*The following content deals with sensitive material*
Jackie Coakley is the sole source of Rolling Stone Magazine's recently retracted "gang rape" article written by Sabrina Rubin Erdely. Her name has been outed by several other sources all over the internet and after reading the context of this story and watching interviews given by the three friends that are referenced in the original I have no qualms about publishing her name.
Here is what we now know (mostly):
1) Sabrina Rubin Erdely set out to find a rape story. It is becoming quite clear that she was looking for a story to support her belief that there is a rape-culture on campuses across the country and Greek life is the cause. As many know, if you are looking for something you are sure to find it - or at least you will convince yourself that you have.
2) Jackie appears to be one disturbed woman on many levels.
a. Her social media accounts show a woman obsessed with rape. While many of the messages she has posted are quite positive in offering support for survivors of rape, there is something disturbing about the frequency of them. This appears to be her identity.
b. It would appear that Jackie is a feminist but, not in the sense of wanting equal treatment. Instead the messages seem to equate more to a hatred of men and this added up with other information leads one to conclude a self-hatred as well.
c. She has allegedly reported other claims of rape that do not appear to be valid.
d. It is evident that Jackie has lied about the event she relayed to Rolling Stone magazine. She has told different stories to different people. Jackie has a history of lying to her friends.
3) Jackie invented the man in the article referred to as Drew. The name she gave Sabrina was different then the name she gave her friends - Haven Monahan.
4) Jackie was rejected romantically by her friend in the story, Randall who we now know is a guy named Ryan. Soon after she created Haven, telling her friends that this new guy was interested in her. She gave them his number asking them to "check him out" for her. Randall sent a message to him and
5) All the numbers that
“The email was called “About you” and it was from Haven Monahan –Haven.Monahan@Yahoo.com. And it looked like Haven had written, ‘You should read this. I’ve really never read anything nicer in my life,’ with a page worth of, you know, just an essay that Jackie had written about me. Which seemed really weird to me at the time, because here’s somebody who just allegedly, you know, led this brutal sexual assault on a friend of mine, and now he’s just going to email me this thing about me.”
Well yeah… Ryan is fine. Ryan’s great, actually. I mean he’s smart. He’s sensitive. He’s funny. He’s a scaredy cat. If you creep up behind him, he’ll jump right out of his skin. It’s pretty amusing. He’s honest. He always calls them just like he sees them. You can [???] count[?] on getting the truth from Ryan, even if the truth hurts. He has the most incredible taste in music. He’s like this walking, talking music library. And he understands how truly important music is. He’s stubborn. He has this [???] way about him that can be so frustrating sometimes. And sometimes the things he says hurt. But he’s a really, really good friend. And loyal to a fault. He’s realistic[?] about everything. And I’m a dreamer so I mean, it’s good to have somebody like that in my life. He’s one of my best friends here, you know? He’s more than that… he’s everything.
Now, then there’s Ryan. And Ryan… Ryan’s incredible. I didn‘t fall for Ryan Duffin the first day I met him. Nor did I fall for him on the second day or the third day for that matter. But once I did fall for Ryan, you see, my world flipped upside down. Kathryn doesn’t understand what I see in Ryan. I guess I don‘t understand what she doesn’t see in him. He’s gorgeous, but gorgeous is an understatement. More like you’re startled every time you see him because you notice something new in a Where‘s Waldo sort of way. More like you can‘t stop writing third grade run on sentences becuase you can‘t even remotely begin to describe something, someone, so inherently amazing. More like you’re afraid that if you stare at him too long, you’ll prove your grandparents right that, yes, your face will get stuck that way… but you do‘t mind. You, like everyone else, may think I’m exaggerating, but then again, you probably don’t know Ryan Duffin. Ryan has no idea what he does to me… he can make me feel more emotions in one second than I would normally feel in one year. He makes my head spin. And the truth is, I‘m crazy about him, I mean, if I had the chance of hanging out with anyone in the entire world or just sitting in my dorm with him talking about music and watching a crappy TV show… I‘d choose him everytime… without a single false step. I know he doesn‘t like me. If someone really wanted you, they’d actually put some time and effort into trying to get your attention. Ryan doesn’t even like to be around me sometimes. And that really sucks. When you like someone more than he likes you, you‘ll do anything to switch the scales. The thing is, you can’t. You want to tell him how you feel but you know it will end with “It‘s just not going to work out.” How can I explain to him that I fell for him because of a million tiny things he never knew he was doing? I know I should just stop trying because he and I are never going to happen. He doesn’t like me, I’m not his type. I‘m not the type of person he could ever be with so I should just get over it. The problem is I can’t shake these feelings I have for him, I try so damn hard, but they won’t go away. I can’t move on becuase the only thing I can find wrong with him, is that he can find so much wrong with me. Gabrielle[?] said I shouldn’t give up, she said she read this quote once that said, “There’s nothing more beautiful than the way ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it’s sent away.” She claimed that’s how Ryan and I are. I think she’s wrong. I think he was right from the get go. He’ll never see me as anything other than some girl and It’ll never amount to anything. He told Alex I‘m not his type and I’m a waste of his time. The things he says hurt more than you know but still… there’s something about him that makes me come back for more. All I know is, the girl who gets to be with Ryan [ten-or-so obscured words] that, then she doesn’t deserve him.7) Traces of this email address from Monahan have been deleted.
8) Jackie cannot be reached for any comment and she is now being represented by a lawyer who also has no comment.
9) Sabrina Rubin Erdely has had some issues with reporting in the past.
a. Before Jackie there was Billy and Billy was a young man who claimed priests from his Catholic Church had raped him. Billy had at least three totally different stories. In the end there was nothing credible about Billy or his stories.
b. Another story about the rape of Petty Officer Blumer has also come into question.
c. A story about a mother using heroin appears to also be faked since it cannot be independently verified.
d. Then there is the story of woman who eventually became a successful prostitute after a horrific childhood where her father is killed by the mob when she was only 9 years old.
e. It gets worse - Erdely began her career as a journalist winning an award from Rolling Stone. The story she wrote was completely false. Watch Sabrina explain herself:
10) Here is another report done by Megyn Kelly:
11) Meet Emily Renda. She is the woman who put Sabrina in touch with Jackie. She also appears to be a woman who has her own tale(s) of rape.
She [Renda] told the Washington Post on Nov. 29th that she was sexually assaulted in a dorm room but on NBC she claimed that she was assaulted at a fraternity house.12) Another video explaining why this story became so popular and why the sudden popularity of our society supporting a "rape-culture:"
So what have we learned?
Some women in today's culture appear to be obsessed with rape. It seems every time we turn around some woman is claiming she was raped at college. Are women self-prophesying this sort of thing?
It seems as though there is a desire to put into people's minds that rape-culture is something very real. We are being told that women everywhere are being raped and also that nobody in authority cares enough to do anything about it.
Your average person has no desire to call people out or tell them they are lying (especially as it applies to rape allegations), but when the stories themselves are begging the reader to question them and they fall apart, what can we possibly infer the motive being? Are all these women just mentally ill and are the reporters equally mentally ill for falling for such bizarre tales of woe?
If you're going to publish a story where you are claiming a young woman said she was gang raped on a bed of broken glass and she managed avoiding going to the hospital and then three of her friends were more concerned about being invited to future fraternity parties, how can you possibly expect others not to raise their eyebrows and why oh why did you Sabrina, not step back and question this rather implausible scenario?
The confirmation bias seems to be so very strong with many individuals and in our politically correct culture it seems that we the public are being demanded to not question certain people i.g. women, minorities, gays, and any other group of people who are deemed perpetual victims of society. If we do question these outrageous stories and out them for what they are - hoaxes, lies, slander - we are dismissed and labeled. In this case you might be branded a woman hater or rapist apologist.
You see, it does not matter that these stories are fake. What matters is that it's possible and some woman somewhere is being raped in this manner and somewhere it's being covered up and the victim is somewhere suffering in silence and we need to focus on the changes that must occur. That's what matters to these story makers and story tellers. They want change for something they have convinced themselves occurs rampantly.
It is ironic that if this rape-culture does exist and these stories are indeed common, why does it appear so difficult for them to find a genuine story that doesn't immediately fall apart the moment they publish it?
Has there been a war declared on men?
If Sabrina and other modern-day feminists are interested in helping real victims of rape, they are certainly going about this the wrong way. The stories here are proof that the ends do not justify the means. They are absolutely hurting real women who are raped and they are demonizing men in the process, making them the victims.
Women Who Are Mentally Ill
Maybe the story is really about women who are mentally ill. It seems these women find each other. Just like we all seem to attract who we are, women who suffer from issues like bi-polar personality disorder also appear to find one another.
Sabrina found Renda who found Jackie. These women all fed off one another, supporting each others lies and distortions. They seem to all be obsessed with rape, the idea of rape, and insisting that rape is everywhere.
What is it about these particular women that has made them quick to accuse? Do they hate men? Are they mentally ill and this is what causes them to think that false accusations of rape are "no big deal"?
In Jackie's specific case, it seems she cried rape to get attention from another guy. This type of distorted thinking can only come from a brain that is in need of medication and therapy. Renda's story or stories are inconsistent but we don't know if she completely fabricated her story. However, if she's not making the story up why would she have such a difficult time keeping basic facts correct? Is she trying to hide something or is it just difficult to keep the lies straight? It appears that she may have fabricated a story for attention. For Sabrina the motivation seems to be about getting attention and pushing a confirmation bias. She appears to be a woman with an agenda, rather then a woman interested in doing objective journalism.
No matter what the justification is in their minds, it cannot possibly be one that reflects a normal stable person. These women all seem to have some sort of underlying mental illness. There are many more ways to get attention and certainly much more healthier ways of receiving that attention.
Perhaps we should discuss mental illness in young women and help encourage women to seek professional help if they somehow believe false allegations can lead to positive results.
In the meantime, apologies are just not good enough. The fraternity needs to sue Rolling Stone and Rolling Stone needs to fire Sabrina. As for Jackie, I believe it is a crime to make false accusations. The police should handle her accordingly.
“There’s nothing more beautiful than the way an ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it’s sent away.” Never heard that one before..What if the ocean is actually keeping the shoreline at bay? It's sad that some men can't take no for an answer and they rape, but what's worse is a woman who can't take no for an answer and accuses the man of rape. "Rosa"
I agree wholeheartedly, Rosa.
I am hearing that this e-mail she wrote may have been based off a TV show and her story of this rape seems to match another TV show or movie. I have no idea if that's true yet because I am still looking into it but, no doubt this girl is creative. It's too bad she wasted it trying to destroy other people's lives.
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