Well, that guy claims he is now on food stamps.
Yes, Adam M. Smith was fired from his high paying CFO job and now has been forced into unemployment and he is now collecting food stamps from the government. His wife has now had to go to work and he is at home taking care of their boys.
This story was also featured on a special that I happened to catch on TV. I believe it was on ABC News 20/20.
I am seeing a lot of stuff on my Facebook wall - "karma's a bitch!" and "Justice served chicken style!"
Okay, yeah I agree. What this guy did was douche-bag multiplied by a thousand.
The man had a problem with Chic-fil-A's general support of marriage between a man and a women. Now this comment itself was taken to the extreme. Just because someone supports traditional marriage does not mean they dislikes gays. It's a common belief found among many in America and people certainly have a right to say so. People came out in droves to support Chic-fil-A.
So this Adam guy has a problem with Chic-fil-A's stance on marriage and instead of writing to the company or addressing them directly, he made the choice to go to a single location and go through the drive-thru. Using a camera, he records this encounter that he initiates with the woman who is at the window. He basically does everything he can to humiliate her and demean her because she works at Chic-fil-A. The few minutes he spends talking to her is riddled with self-righteousness and arrogance.
After he records this, he goes home and uploads the video onto You Tube. This again was HIS choice. The video goes viral and when he goes to work he is asked to resign. He refuses and is immediately fired. From this point on he cannot find a job. He tried being forthcoming with this incident in interviews but, this tactic has also failed. He did offer an apology on You Tube but, still this man has seen no hope of obtaining a job and now must collect food stamps.
It's hard for me to believe he cannot find a job anywhere. It seems to me he will be forced to swallow his pride and get a low level job and hopefully find a way to work up in the company. I don't understand how this would be all that difficult to do. Yes, it sucks but considering his current situation it would seem to me that would be the best route to go at this point. He has a family he needs to provide for and he needs to be an example for his children. It does him no good crying and acting like a victim. Nobody did this to him. This was a choice HE made and it was indeed quite foolish.
Adam, swallow your pride and get a job at McDonald's or some other unskilled job. There is NO shame in going to an honest job. It's certainly better then doing nothing.
On the other side however, I do not see this as "justice" of any sort. The man is down and out. There is nothing "karma-like" about being forced out of your job and then being in a situation where you can no longer support your family. These comments about "justice served" and "karma's a bitch" to name a few are pretty heartless and do not reflect well on the characters who are declaring them.
The guy made a mistake - a big dumb one at that but, he did do something he believed in. He didn't physically attack her or rape her or rob her. He stated an opinion that is not all that out of the norm. Many people support the idea of gay marriage and many people feel it is a right that is being denied. While some may or may not agree with it, I think the backlash towards this man has been a bit too much, too harsh, and just plain nasty. Him having to go on food stamps is not a solution. He needs to get back to work and he needs to be able to contribute back to society.
Yes, I think he was wrong but I also think the guy has learned from his mistake. I also know that at times I myself have lashed out or been angry and expressed this in unhealthy ways. We ALL do it and if you've even been on the internet, you likely have participated this behavior yourself. If you haven't - well bless your heart you're a million times better then me.
Next time Adam has an issue, I believe he will take a better, more reasonable route to express his concerns. I hope he gets a job and he is able to get his life back on track. I wish him the best. I don't see any benefit in kicking this man while he's down. It's not appropriate. He did not even commit a crime. Let's all find it in our hearts to forgive.
It's time to forgive this man.
I don't think it's a matter of forgiveness, it's a matter of sincerity. Those who broadcast their woes really are not sincere. Just melodramatic & mercenary.
Karma sucks, sometimes.
Hey there, Marc thanks for the feedback.
I think the punishment should fit the crime. I think this guy has just gone through enough. I hope he gets back to work soon.
I know what you're saying which is why he will have to lower his standards as far as what jobs he can apply for. He's still gonna be eating humble pie.
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