I guess I knew it was going to happen. I feel as if no matter what the decision was going to be - indictment or not, Ferguson was going to get rocked tonight by unruly people who are hell bent on destroying their own home town.

Let's be clear here. Many of the witnesses had changed their stories when confronted with the physical evidence. When people lie, they are not consistent.
The unidentified witness wrote that the 18-year-old Brown “has his arms out with attitude,” while “The cop just stood there.” The witness added, “Dang if that kid didn’t start running right at the cop like a football player head down.”
The witness told of hearing “3 bangs,” but “the big kid wouldn’t stop.”
So you have this young man, walking down the middle of the road, a man who just robbed a store and threw the clerk of that store around like a rag doll, a young man who refuses to listen to the officer who tells him to get out of the street, and this same man strong arming a police officer who he punches in the face. After getting shot, and his DNA magically finds it's way on Officer Wilson's gun, he takes off and then turns around and charges the police officer. Yeah, I would say that justifies being shot.
College-bound-Brown chatting about cigars with local business owner
It's easy for the public to make assumptions about how Officer Wilson should have reacted or could have reacted. It's easy for us to say that Michael Brown was unarmed and posed no real threat. Are you aware of how many people are killed as a result of one-punch homicide? Many people are. It CAN happen.
Again, witnesses testified that Brown attacked Wilson and tried to get his gun, then charged at him. These are the facts and it's a shame that the black community in this country is once again being misled by those "leaders" who like to cherry-pick facts and create what is ultimately fiction.
Does racism occur in this country? I'm sure it does but the stories that are chosen by the media and held up as examples of racism seem to fall flat when the facts are outright presented. You would think that with all the racism that's out there - according to many people, we would be able to find a real good story where racism is obvious rather than being speculative.
Now, as I type Ferguson is up in flames and soon to be a pile of ashes. Businesses have been destroyed. People are being shot and injured. Only after time passes will the final aftermath be tallied and recorded. This night shall go down in history as being yet another riot that produces nothing but rather impedes on the lives of many.
Obama Speaks
Twitter and Ferguson
Officer Wilson
How the Rest of the World Sees Ferguson
Megyn Kelly
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