
Dear Eddie Vedder,

I have been a huge fan of yours for years. The first time I heard you play was at The Peony Park Ballroom in 1991 here in Omaha, NE. Pearl Jam opened for Red Hot Chile Peppers. I, like many of my friends had never heard of your band; we only saw the name of your band on our concert ticket. After that concert, you gained many fans here, including myself and to this day that concert is spoken about in legendary terms.

As I have grown older, I have remained a fan. I can say I'm not as interested in music as I used to be when I was young. No time for any of that these days. I grew up; life changes; people change. Sure, I'm not a liberal anymore but, that doesn't mean I can no longer be a fan of liberal artists.

I know your general political stance on issues; we probably would disagree on many things. Still, I've always respected you, the band, and the music.

You've recently made the news for doing a cover of The Beatles song, "Imagine" and gained further attention by suggesting some countries or governments like to go to war.

Look, I don't like war either. In fact, I don't know anyone that actively likes war. Here is our common ground. We enjoy peace. We want the world to be at peace.

Are there countries out there that are run by cruel leaders who enjoy domination through war activity? Sure. These nations then seek out to attack other nations. While it would be lovely if nations could sit down and talk with these cruel leaders, engage them, and diplomatically work out some way to avoid any and all bloodshed, the idea is fantasy.

In the case of Israel, what do you honestly expect them to do? Perhaps you do not know much about Israel's history? The Jewish presence has always, always been a part of that land. After the earth was salted by the Romans, there was a dispersion but slowly people made their way back to their homeland. Those who we now call Palestinians also lived among the Jews. The land was purchased by Jewish people from large Arab landholders who had no use for the land and sold it. Though the price was ridiculous, the Jewish people agreed and paid for that land.

They cultivated the land and built upon it. They built homes and buildings, irrigated, and created beauty. The city of Jerusalem was born and even the now-called Palestinians were happy and living among the Jews. It was at the point where Israel wanted to declare itself a state that the Arab-world had erupted in anger, complete with threats to attack and destroy Israel. The Jewish people begged the now-called Palestinians to stay and fight with them for their homeland but, instead they listened to their Arab brethren. The Arabs promised that they would destroy the Jews and give them the land. So the now-called Palestinians left and gathered together in camps outside of Israel. These are the so-called refugees. They waited for their brothers to attack and they watched the Jewish people fight and fight and go against the mad-men who were trying to destroy them. The Jewish people  fought with such might that not only did they keep the land they had, they gained a massive amount of territory in the process. After the Arabs had their asses handed to them, they retreated with their tail between their legs and took on a new fight and criticized the Jews for not allowing the now-called Palestinian refugees back into Israel to live.

Why, when the Jewish people begged the now-called Palestinians, to stay and fight with them, would they ever allow these people back in? No. They ran and turned their backs on Israel.

More fights, more wars. The same results.

This cycle of Palestinians starting-a-war, Israel defends, Israel wins, Israel gives back land, the world becomes angry-at-Israel-for-winning cycle continues and has continued to this day, yet we still hear the calls from people, "Stop war! Stop hate!" I ask, how? How do you negotiate with an enemy whose sworn oath is to wipe you and your people off the face of the earth? How is it that Israel allows Arabs to live among them but not the other way around? Why is it that the Arab brothers across the Middle East do not help the now-called Palestinians by giving them a place to stay, inside their borders?

Can you honestly say that you believe even if the Jews were to just walk away at this point, give everything away, leave their land, go elsewhere, that the Arab-world would finally be happy? Do you honestly believe they would have peace? Conflicts throughout the world involve Islam. They attack Christians throughout the world, in Serbia, Indonesia, Kosovo, Nigeria, and Cyprus to name a few. They also attack Buddhists and Hindus. They even attack themselves.

My point is, I believe your message is being told to the wrong audience, and to be blunt, it's pretty damn rude of you to insinuate those you are speaking out to are the ones causing the chaos. It's possible you don't mean this but, it certainly comes across this way. We have two very different types of people we are dealing with here and one group has been merciful, cautious, giving, understanding, humble, and has been forced to react. The other group has been relentless, claims of victim-hood, aggressive, hateful, demanding, and just plain evil.

I know that not all Muslims are bad people. They have been under the rule of oppressive governments for thousands of years. Unfortunately, most are not taught that Jewish people are even people; they are instead referred to as pigs and their elders all tell them from a very young age that the Jew is the enemy.

Maybe I'm wrong in thinking you are not specifically talking about the Israel-Palestinian conflict but, it is the timing of  your message that has led me to believe this and if I am wrong, I know many others are wrong and you should do more to make some clarifications. I digress....

Have you ever heard of Pallywood? View for yourself:

Here are some comments from people via the internet: 

Roy Martin The lizard race of Khazarians calling them selves IS-RA-EL have no morals. They are simply and purely parasites to this planet and deserve no mercy or respect by anyone. In fact as soon as the parasites are removed the better our planet will be. 

Kevin Farrell f--king jews 

thebeaterz168  You zionists are actually doing what the Nazis did to you to the palestinians. Take pride in that. Immoral scum. 

Of course the list goes on and on. There is without a doubt a great amount of hate that comes from Arabs and many now who are in our own country's modern far-left.

Videos are posted of Israeli's soldiers reacting to something (we never quite know what), but we are to assume that the reaction was either unprovoked or unjustified. We must always question Israel and never the so-called Palestinians.

The fact is Israel has always had the power to destroy their enemy completely but they have not. They have used extensive restraint in their desire to be a part of the world community. Many average citizens are tired of it. They do desire for Israel to finally unleash because the propaganda, the hatred, the evil, the lies that are told about them is far too much for them to continue to endure. Their children are attacked, their civilians are specifically targeted and killed, while Israel does everything it can to avoid civilian causalities.

When you ask for us to Imagine a world with peace, I assure you that Israel has long imagined this and desires this. I assure you that most all people in this world are eager to find peace but when a country - any country - is faced with such hatred and such violence with no desire of negotiation, what are they/we supposed to do? History has shown that peace comes from strength. While war is not desirable, it is, at times necessary.

Certainly you yourself have had times where you stood up for what you believed in. That's wonderful. I'm glad you have never been a position where you had to defend your life. That is a blessing that many in this world do not share. Many people DO have their lives threatened and DO need to resort to violence to defend themselves. Until you can say you've had to do the same, until you have walked in their shoes, please avoid from making the judgment that they "just need to mind their own business" or insinuate that they don't desire peace.

Peace through strength.



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