
Revisiting Jodi Arias Trial Pt 2

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Anonymous said...

The Jodi Arias T-R-A-I-L? Uh, you mean trial, maybe?

Anonymous said...

"According to all the information I have been able to research, it is now confirmed that Matt was involved in helping Jodi forge letters that were supposedly written by Travis that detailed his alleged ped*philia problem."

You call this a PROFESSIONAL BLOG?? This is just more garbage. Those letters were ONLY precluded because they were not the originals. When I have time I will post the court documents that PROVE this. They were never deemed FORGERIES. Look up that word. If you want to post documents that back up your speculation, go ahead, have it. Otherwise, garbage...

Tuesday said...

Nobody had originals because they were FORGED and yes, indeed that is what they were deemed. Unbelievable that you would believe such nonsense from Jodi. Yeah, let me get this straight...he's abusing her and he just so happens to WRITE to her expressing his *ahem* sexual deviancy? Where are these so-called originals? Let me guess, you were held back in kindergarten just like Jodi was?

Anonymous said...

It was my understanding that Martinez had gotten a handwriting expert to look at the letters & that was another reason they were deemed forgeries.

Another great blog Tuesday. Unfortunately, you've caught the attention of some of the ja supporters too. There aren't many of them, but they make up for that by being ultra obnoxious. Be careful of the creeps, they like to report people to facebook. That's probably why a lot of us chose to comment anonymously.

Anonymous said...

AFAIR they were deemed probable forgeries and not confirmed either way because of being "copies" but common sense says' they were indeed vicious lies from Arias.

Tuesday said...

I have heard a few different things regarding the letters but, Matt was indeed involved by all accounts. There is another writer who claimed the writing was copied from Travis' journals ...somehow copied and pasted and put into a program, which is why they were only available through electronic median. Logically it doesn't make sense that someone who Jodi claims is abusing her is then going to actually put in handwriting that they have this struggle with pedophilia. Travis does not sound that stupid....even IF I were to give all benefit of the doubt the Jodi. Her description of him and who he is ...it's an entire contradiction. Her stories are so stupid! This entire case would be hilarious if it weren't for the fact that a man is dead and was butchered in the worst possible way.

Anonymous said...

According to the nasty JAII troll named Journee. Jodi sneaking out messages to Matt to lie for her was not sinister at all. How ignorant can they be? I pray they have no children because you condone lying, cheating, slaughter and evil.

"We never really got an explanation about the magazines – just one of dozens of questions never asked or answered. To me, the message in the magazine wasn’t all that sinister. We do know, after all, that Jodi changed her story while she awaited trial – from the intruder story to the story she told on the stand. Lacking any other explanation, I assume the message referred to that."

This "we" they refer to don't count for nothing ever.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to a follow up blog. Have a great weekend!

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