Trayvon was shot in a racially mixed neighborhood; George Zimmerman lived in that neighborhood. The very idea that George singled out Trayvon solely on race is completely absurd. Obviously he would except to see a black person walking in his neighborhood. Stop kidding yourself. It's obvious Trayvon was singled out because he wasn't acting right. He was acting weird and I challenge you to watch the video of him in the 7 Eleven.
Earlier that night
Before being seen by Zimmerman we know he made a trip to the store. Observing the tape we see Trayvon enter the store with his hood on. It is not raining in the store. He digs and digs in his pocket; he clearly asks the clerk about something behind the counter so, we can deduce that whatever it was, he was refused, and in a convenient store, typically we're going to find stuff like tobacco, alcohol, and other products that generally require an ID to purchase. We don't know for sure but that is most likely the scenario. Trayvon was too young to purchase something since he was only 17. He cashes out and then walks towards the door, turns around, walks all the way down the main aisle, bends over, looks like he's trying to pick something up, stands up, moves toward the coolers again, looks around, turns again, and finally walks out the door. Very odd.
0:21:56 : Trayvon outside walking into the store (6:21:54 pm)
0:24:34 : Trayvon left the store (6:24:14 pm)
0:29:24 : Trayvon outside walking away from the store (6:29:20 pm)
I would like you to pay particular attention to the button that Trayvon is wearing on the front of his hoodie.
Please make note of the time. Trayvon exited the store at 6:24 but appeared to be waiting outside the store for a full 5 minutes before we finally see him walking away, almost backwards as if he were talking with someone. Please, watch the group of people that come in after Trayvon. Notice how they purchase blunt papers from behind the clerk. They were old enough. Also note that the buyer has money ready in his hand but then we see he decides to buy another blunt and must pull out his wallet. It is not until this guy leaves the store that we see through the window, Trayvon finally making his exit.
The Phone Calls
Zimmerman calls the non-emergency hotline at 7:09 PM. This means that 40 minutes after Trayvon finally left the store, he is now being reported to be near the front of the gated community.
Map --From store to Trayvon's temporary residence (1 mi, Walk, 18 min)
Map --From store to where George saw Trayvon (0.8 mi - Walk - 15 min)
Map --From the front of the entrance to Trayvon's temporary residence (Walk - 4 min)
Trayvon's entire route back home should have taken him around 20 minutes, yet he wasn't even home after 40 minutes. What on earth was he doing? Well, he was doing exactly what Zimmerman said he was doing; he was acting weird, wandering about, not looking right, and not walking with a purposeful direction in mind.
There had been several break-ins in the neighborhood. Zimmerman is going to the store that night. He's on the neighborhood watch committee. When you are signed up for something like neighborhood watch, you do exactly that; you watch out for suspicious looking behavior. Zimmerman sees someone he doesn't recognize, young, loitering about, no direction, looking around, behaving oddly (as we saw in the 7 Eleven video), and then looking at George. Nobody is going to call the police unless they witness something unusual for at least a minute or so. He did not call the emergency line so when you see "911 call" remember that is improperly labeled. He did not call 911 because he had not yet seen Trayvon doing anything illegal; he was however concerned because he saw someone acting oddly. Again, what does this have to do with race? Nothing.
Zimmerman's call lasts till around 7:13 PM. Travis calls his "girlfriend" DeeDee at 7:12 +/- :01. Whether he called at 7:11, 7:12, or 7:13, the call was made while Zimmerman was still on the phone with the dispatcher The call lasted 4 minutes. This means the earliest she was off the phone with him was 7:15 and the latest would have been 7:17. 7:17 is the same minute that a witness says they see police arrive at the scene. Listen to second call on video posted just below. Timeline here.
Now, the first witness called at 7:16. The gunshot is heard later in that same minute -- right before 7:17. This means that it is more than likely that DeeDee heard the beginning of this confrontation, if not the shot itself, which has been my hypothesis for quite some time. It is the ONLY thing that makes sense and it also reinforces the idea that if she did hear the screams, she obviously didn't think the screams were coming from Trayvon either. In fact, we see that no more calls were made to Trayvon's phone after the disconnect. Did the phone really "die" at that moment? Doubtful. It sounds more like she heard the shot, panicked, and hung up. Where are DeeDee's phone records? I have yet to find them. I did find some text messages that were released but nothing concerning the specific phone records for her and matching them with Trayvon's.
DeeDee we now know is a liar. She was not 16, nor did she go to the hospital over being distraught.
We already know what Zimmerman said. It's recorded. We have both sides of the conversation, along with specific times.
DeeDee's written statement
It seems unusual for a person who has claimed to know Trayvon for years yet cannot spell his name correctly. According to her, it was "Trevon" who first asked Zimmerman a question and then after she heard the phone hang up. She also claims that she tried calling back and texting but there is no record of that. She does mention that the phone is "acting up" but it's not clear if it's her phone or Trayvon's phone. She doesn't mention anything about it dying which is interesting since any phone I've ever owned will give a warning beep of a dying battery.
As I have already posted before concerning this topic, I think DeeDee heard everything, panicked, and hung up. Please read that entire post to understand her testimony. It's rather clear that she was coached. There is still no explanation that has been given as to why she only spoke with the prosecution and not the police. This is outside any normal protocol that I have heard of. I am not an authority on this topic by any means, I simply have yet to find something that contradicts my statement.
We can easily hear that DeeDee has extremely poor communication skills. She mumbles, speaks in fragments, and at times is completely unintelligible.
"Drippin' water"? I guess this is the new phrase to describe "rain." I cannot imagine how DeeDee will hold up on the witness stand. She also keeps mentioning that he was breathing hard and out of breath. The complex isn't large enough for a 17 year old to be completely out of breath. If he were running, there is absolutely NO way he didn't have enough time to get home, especially if he were right by where his dad was staying (according to her).
I also notice she says Zimmerman was in a car. Well, he drives a truck so what can we deduce from this? Did Trayvon not accurately describe what he saw or is DeeDee again lying? Perhaps she is merely trying to remember what she is supposed to say and failed?
"I could hear the grass thing," said DeeDee. I'm sorry but how on earth does this make a shred of sense? It's completely laughable at best. She insists that George Zimmerman has a deep voice; he doesn't. She then says she can hear a little bit of what's going on, apparently not much but then says that she could tell Zimmerman was tired? Huh?
"He put his hoodie on." His hoodie was ALREADY on. How do we know this? Well, look at the video from the 7 Eleven again. Listen to the description George gives the operator, he was wearing his hoodie. Why would Trayvon tell this girl, "I'm putting up my hoodie now"? Again, it doesn't make any sense and anyone thinking with a critical, fair mind can see this entire statement from her is absurd. This is obviously a coached statement or I guess we're supposed to be fooled into believing the whole "hoodie" crisis that Team Trayvon latched onto was just a "coincidence"? The hoodie was all about propaganda from the start.
At the end, we now know she lied about going to the hospital -- high blood pressure? What's going on with these young people? Trayvon out of breath after running for less than a minute and her with high blood pressure? Pfffft. Again, why lie? There is no need to lie if you're telling the truth.
I would also like to know how it is she hears a bump of some sort, the phone shuts off and that's the last she heard BUT, after the the prosecutor leads her by asking if she heard screams of help, she then decides she heard someone say a little bit of "get off." Huh? This poor girl is profoundly ignorant. They say, "birds of a feather flock together" and if this is who Trayvon was dating, we can only imagine how poorly educated Trayvon was.
I'd also like to know why it is DeeDee makes absolutely NO mention of anyone saying the words, "get off" in her statement to Crump? That link has the recording but apparently Gutman from ABC also has the recording available with higher quality. The entire statement and how it was obtained stinks to high heaven. You can click the link and read more about that, if you need to.
Even more interesting is the fact that she tries to slip in that Trayvon doesn't fight. Well, with the recent evidence that has been discovered we know that's not true so, I'm definitely under the impression this statement will open the door to allowing the recent discovery of videotaped fights Trayvon had on his phone. This would be yet another lie coming from DeeDee in order to bolster her statement. Of course, Bernie de la Riondar ends the interview promptly after she says Trayvon doesn't fight because he too knows that's a lie.
Assistant Special Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda: And you don’t appear to be under any kind of drugs or anything, is that correct?
Dee Dee: Nuh…[mumbling]She sure sounds like she's on something. If you want to read the interview, you can click here for a transcript and analysis.
Team Trayvon, you still think DeeDee helps your case? How would you feel if YOU were Zimmerman? Of course supporters are going to argue that her lies concerning her age and fake hospital visit do not matter because they do not pertain to the events of that night however, if she is willing to lie about things that do not matter then what else is she willing to lie about? How credible can she actually be?
From my perspective, her testimony will not mean much in the end. She was not there. She can only say what we already know. Furthermore she has every reason to exaggerate her story the way she did when she spoke with the prosecutor, claiming all of sudden she heard, "get off" before the phone went dead. If she really were to tell the truth, it would cause her much grief from Trayvon's parents as well as among her peers. She would be considered a snitch. This is what happens when you have a culture that is more interested in revenge based on feelings vs. justice based on facts.
The Button
Sybrina does not want to talk about the button. Watch, it's near the end. If this video doesn't load on here for you (because I am finding that it only loads sometimes), you can watch on YouTube here.
Evidence found in victim's pocket.
One (1) red "711" brand name lighter, photo button, bag of skittles, and headphones, and collected from with in the victim's pockets.Okay, he has a lighter, obviously we now know he smoked marijuana. We can see that the button was found in his pocket. Why? We can clearly see it on his sweatshirt when he was at the 7 Eleven AND we hear George specifially say he has a button on his hoodie.
Isn't it obvious by now that Trayvon lost Zimmerman (according to both DeeDee and Zimmerman), took off the button, maybe stashed the blunts he had, because he was PLANNING on going back to confront Zimmerman and attack him? If all Trayvon wanted to do was ask Zimmerman a question, there would be no reason to take off that button and put it in his pocket.
I will simply leave what I have already written here but it does turn out that I was wrong about the button. I am currently working on another post that will have the photo included. It certainly was an oversight by the police who listed the button as being an item in his pocket.
The Conservative Treehouse has offered some interesting information concerning the button. As to whether it means anything to this case, that will be up for you to decide however, I post the links here for anyone interested in reading more about it. Link. Link.
Interestingly from the previous video, we also discover the type of parenting Trayvon had. If he gets up on time, he'll look for food? I'm sorry but why would he have to look around for food? The most important thing she can tell us about Trayvon is that he loved to eat? Yeah, don't we all!
I don't want to insult the parents here. I'm sure they loved their son but they were obviously very oblivious to the activities of their son. They were absent parents that basically had their heads buried in the sand. It's not easy being a parent but for goodness sake, he was obviously smoking marijuana; he was drinking a concoction known as "purple lean" on what appears to be a regular basis; he was into fighting; he was currently on his third suspension. Do I have to bring up his offensive handle he used on Twitter? The picture of a gun found on his phone? Trayvon's constant references to girls and woman as ho's?
Oh, but I'm supposed to ignore this and chalk it all up to "normal" teenage behavior? If this is what normal is then it's clear we have a huge problem in this country, and putting a stamp of approval on this by ignoring it is certainly not a solution.
I have heard comments on the internet suggesting that once Zimmerman got out of his vehicle, this somehow was a signal that he "started a fight" and that because of that Trayvon had every right to double back and attack him. Apparently this is how they interpret stand your ground laws. If this is the kind of behavior that you believe is okay and you are teaching your children it is acceptable to do such a thing, then I have to ask, what in the hell is wrong with you? You wonder why our children have the problems they do?
One of the first things my father ever taught me when I had to begin walking home from school was the act of running. Run. You do not engage people who are following you. You do not act like a "tough guy" because you should never assume to know what it is the other person is doing. Not to mention this idea that Team Trayvon wants to ram down our throat how scared he supposedly was. This is a load of crap. If he was scared, he would have ran and ran home. He had a phone; he lost Zimmerman; he should have called 911 and stayed hidden if he was so scared about Zimmerman discovering the location of his temporary residence.
Just stop fooling yourself already! Trayvon was a teenager. Teenagers are known for being a little "nuts" and unstable. Many teenagers are this way and I was no angel myself during those years, so I speak from experience. Anyone who has gone through their teen years should know darn well how teenagers overreact and this generation is no different. Couple the teenage years with parents who are utterly clueless and know almost nothing about their own son other than he "liked to eat" and you have disaster. Stop fooling yourself into thinking that Trayvon had more wisdom than a man in his late 20's. Are you really going to continue and fool yourself that a teenager is incapable of starting a fight? Really? Do you really think you're doing your children any favors by encouraging them to attack people that may or may not be a threat?
Acting like marijuana is "okay" and "not a big deal" is simply foolish and quite dangerous if you're a parent. Smoking marijuana creates paranoia in many individuals. This hyper-paranoid state, coupled with an angry teenager, is only going to produce undesired results. This case is a prime example. If he was drinking/abusing "lean," we also know this has dissociative effects on people. It's the poor man's PCP and can greatly change an individual's perception, while causing liver and brain damage.
Had Trayvon approached Zimmerman and simply asked him why he was following him or looking at him and there was no attack, then yes, it would appear that George unnecessarily pulled out a gun, shot and killed for no reason, then he should be convicted of murder. This is NOT the case however. You have a right to question someone but you do not have a right to escalate the situation to a point where the other individual is in fear of their life.
Oh Those Screams!
I have already written in great detail about the supposed "voice experts" that claim it was Martin screaming for help. These were NO experts at all. Please follow and read link here.
You cannot lay claim to being an expert when the school you went to was invented by yourself. You cannot state with great certainty anything unless you have been able to provide a scientific report, which there was none given -- surprise, surprise. Furthermore, you cannot claim to have knowledge that the voice is someone you have no comparable sample to work with, as well as no known scream samples from either Zimmerman or Trayvon. Control tests were not even performed to demonstrate the accuracy of the equipment and what its limitations are. Never have I ever seen an experiment done without a control group or sample. It is unheard of! Control samples must be made in order to prove the equipment functions properly as well as establishing parameters for which the equipment can work within. Finally, without peer review, their study is complete bunk.
What we CAN say for certain is that in this case, common sense and logic will play a much greater role in determining who was screaming for help.
1) Zimmerman claims he was the one screaming. He did this immediately, before knowing screams were recorded on 911 calls.
2) Trayvon's father did not initially identify the voice to be his son.
3) Autopsy concludes Trayvon had NO defense wounds. He did however have a scraped knuckle that clearly demonstrated he was the one pounding at Zimmerman's head. There is a witness that corroborates this as well.
4) Zimmerman was the only one with injuries. They were found on the back of his head and his nose. Yes, he DID seek medical attention the next day.
Also on page 42, Serino says he received Zimmerman's medical records confirming his fractured nose on March 9. (So unbeknownst to O'Mara, they had them long before the bail hearing and the records made no difference to their charging decision.) Source
5) Just listen to the scream. Scroll up. Listen again. Now listen to Zimmerman's voice. His voice is not low; it's actually a rather medium. If he were to sing in a choir, I would put him with the altos. The screams are rather high. Typically black men, and yes Trayvon was less than a year from being a "man" able to enlist in the armed forces (without parent consent), have very low voices. He was not going through puberty so, it can be safely assumed his voice had matured. Black voices resonate very differently, both men and women have distinct voices. No, it's not always the case but, when we combine the rest of what we know, it does not make sense that Trayvon was screaming.
6) Trayvon was kicking George's butt. We know he was on top of Zimmerman beating him because of witness statements, in addition to all the physical evidence. It all matches. What reason would Trayvon have to scream for over a minute? None. The very idea that somehow George was just holding a gun to Trayvon while he started screaming for his life is so irrational, I'm not even sure where to begin. How stupid could a person be holding a gun at someone while they scream? Someone would have seen that and if George was "hunting Trayvon down" as some have so boldly and ignorantly claimed, then he would have just shot him the moment he saw him, not wait for a beating, then hold the gun, make Trayvon cry out for help with the risk of being seen...
Huh? That doesn't even make sense; it's preposterous, nor does it fit into any story line or witnesses' statements.
If you are still having trouble understanding basic logic, then you have to ask yourself why it is you still believe something that doesn't make any sense? What it is that is preventing you from accepting the facts of this case? Why are you choosing to believe something that is absurd rather than accept something that is rational?
Let me also point out that once again we have the prosecution playing games. Is it just a coincidence that a voice sample from Trayvon's phone has just now been recently released? Did any of the "experts" who claim the voice was Trayvon's use this sample to make a positive comparison? No. The expert Tom Owen is the one who testified at the June 7th hearing. He developed his own software and essentially trained himself. He made no report and with no report, no peer review was made either.
So I ask you, if your son was Zimmerman, would you support this type of testimony at his trial? Considering the fact that other experts conclude the samples are simply not large enough to make an accurate conclusion and the scream was not compared with a known scream but rather a speaking voice, is this testimony valid in sending a man to prison for life?
Very Odd and Disturbing Statements From Supporters of Trayvon
George knew the police were on their way. What possesses any of you to think George would be so stupid as to injure himself. knowing that there are witnesses already? Yes, yes, I have actually heard several people say that George took his gun and hit himself with it. Well, there is nothing that supports such a ridiculous theory. Absolutely nothing.
Many of you cry racism and try to associate Zimmerman supporters to the likes of members of the KKK, apparently unaware that the KKK was started by the American left democratic party, nor do you acknowledge how much YOU sound just like them with their toxic rhetoric.
Did you ever stop to think what you would feel if George was YOUR son? How would you feel about a state arresting and going after your son with absolutely NO evidence to prove your son did anything other than what he claims -- self defense? The police had every motive to go after George but found nothing because his story was plausible, it wasn't refuted by witnesses, and forensics exonerated him. What is going on here is a lynching by the media and by a mob of people who are fueled with hate and racism; it's all coming from Trayvon supporters who seem to be oblivious to black on white crime or black on black crime but froth at the mouth over someone (who happens to have a lighter skin color), defending themselves from a violent, teenager/young man (who just so happens to be black).
Race is not the issue here and never should be. You should be ashamed of yourselves for ever bringing the topic up in the first place. We are not living in 1940. This is modern day where we all should be past race and focused on the facts as well as characters.
Another disturbing thing I have heard is that George wasn't on neighborhood watch duty that night so he shouldn't have been looking at Trayvon. This is just another stupid thing to say. If I'm on a neighborhood watch committee and I see something weird or odd in my neighborhood, I'm not going to think to myself, "Oh, well that doesn't look right but I'm not on duty so I can't call anyone." Who the hell would do such a thing, yet you think Zimmerman should have?
Keeping our eyes, ears, and mouths shut when we see something that is not normal, or someone doing something suspicious is why so many neighborhoods are completely controlled by gangs, thugs, and other criminals. I don't know why people choose to live this way. Just because we have a man who was interested in keeping his neighborhood safe does not mean he also wanted to kill someone.
Zimmerman Called the Police, Not Trayvon
In order for you to buy into the idea of Zimmerman hunting down an innocent, unarmed child, you really have to do some mental gymnastics in order to arrive at that narrative.
Why would a guy who is well known in his neighborhood be so stupid that he would call the police, ask them to come, tell them specifics about the person they "wanted to kill with intent," and then wait around for them? The police were on their way moments after George called the police. He knows they are coming any minute. You really think that if he were intending on hunting down Trayvon to kill him, he would take the risk of being seen shooting someone in cold blood? Zimmerman is not a cold-blooded killer. He has a wife, a home, and strong ties to his community. Trayvon on the hand was an out of control teenager on his third suspension from school, a thief, a drug dealer, a woman hater, a drug user and abuser of "purple lean," and a fighter. This is all part of the new evidence that has been released and you can see it for yourself.
Trayvon didn't call the police. Trayvon took 40 minutes to walk what should have taken him less than 20 minutes; he was not "headed home" as some may think. He was acting weird. He ran away from Zimmerman and no matter who you believe -- Zimmerman or DeeDee -- they BOTH claim that Zimmerman lost Trayvon at some point. Let that sink in. Let me say it again. They BOTH claim that Trayvon and Zimmerman lost each other. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trayvon had more than enough time to get home. He also had a phone and could have called the police himself. He didn't even ask DeeDee to call the cops, an act that would have been done if his phone was indeed about to go dead. Stop teaching your teenagers that what Trayvon did is okay! It's not.
The fact that the body wasn't found much further South of the "T" but NOT outside of his temporary residence (toward the back entrance), shows that Zimmerman did not move very much; he was walking back to his truck.
Trayvon Went Back to Confront Zimmerman and Attack Him
While Zimmerman was on the phone with police, he told them Trayvon ran toward the back of the complex. This is around where Trayvon was staying. DeeDee also supports Zimmerman's story when she says Trayvon was near his home. Yet, when we see where the the struggle and shooting was, they were NOT near his home.
Trayvon ran, got away, hid, took off the button, told DeeDee what he was going to do and then approached Zimmerman. AGAIN, we see from DeeDee's story that she also helps Zimmerman's story -- Trayvon confronted Zimmerman first, asking him why he was following him, then sucker-punched him; the fight ensued.
All of this evidences shows that it was Trayvon initiating contact, not Zimmeman.
People do not lose their right to defend themselves over getting out of their vehicle.
This argument people keep bringing up about Zimmerman typically goes something along the lines of, "Well, Zimmerman got out of his truck and he was told to stay in his truck." This is a flat out lie. Listen again. Scroll back up and listen again.
Did you catch that? He got out of his vehicle to check where Trayvon ran off to. Why? It's because the dispatcher TOLD him to. When the dispatcher asked if he was following Trayvon, he did say, "yes" but he was not in hot-pursuit. He was trying to look and see what direction Trayvon ran off to. The dispatcher just said, "we don't need you to do that," to which Zimmerman replied, "okay." That was it. By the time the phone call was done, Trayvon should have and could have been home.
Trayon taking off his button and hiding in order to go back to confront Zimmerman shows that HE was the one with intent to hurt Zimmerman.
There are some who have argued that Trayvon had a right to "stand his ground" simply because Zimmerman got out of his truck but, Trayvon had already ran off. This means that Trayvon ran with a purpose of hiding somewhere to spy on Zimmerman and what he was doing. Getting out of a vehicle to see where a suspicious person is going is NOT illegal. It does NOT mean you're starting a fight and Trayvon obviously had a great head start on Zimmerman. Again, his duty was to retreat, go home, call the police, NOT hide, spy on Zimmerman, take off his button, ditch his blunts, and then walk all the way back to confront Zimmerman. This is what Trayvon did; the facts support this; the witnesses support this; DeeDee supports this; Trayvon's NOW known history supports this; the timeline supports this.
The only people who still refuse to see these facts and put them together are those who are being willfully ignorant and purposefully ignoring facts and known information.
Zimmerman lost Trayvon at the very beginning of the call, everything we have confirmed this, even the prosecutor's witness DeeDee says this. He had NO business going back to where Zimmerman was because as soon as Zimmerman lost sight of him, he was a man on the phone with the police and had every right to be in his own neighborhood.
Do you really think reporting someone suspicious is so horrible? What exactly do you recommend for neighborhoods that are being broken into? I guess we're all just supposed to be afraid of one another and if somebody is looking at us funny, we should haul off and attack them?
Zimmerman and his stories
Zimmerman, according to Team Trayvon had all sorts of different stories. No, he did not. All witnesses say different things. Zimmerman was injured to his head the very first night he was questioned. Keep this in mind. He did not ask for a lawyer, even though he was clearly versed on his right to do so. He took a voice stress test that he passed, and he gave a re-enactment.
The examiner concluded that Zimmerman "told substantially the complete truth" in the examination, and Zimmerman was classified as "No Deception Indicated (NDI)" according to the report.[Source]Witnesses change stories all the time because of how the brain works. You tell a story to one person and then when you tell it again, you might include something a little different, it's just how people are. Police know this and they also know that overall the story does NOT change, the story just begins to fill in more details. Police are trained to pick up on gross errors or inconsistencies. Well, guess what? They didn't find any and that's why George was NOT arrested.
Looking for factual mistakes is good but nitpicking a person to death is just downright nasty. The man just killed someone. It's obvious he was in shock and scared.
Go ahead and do this yourself as an experiment. Think of one highly stressful situation you were in and describe it in detail. Hell, write it all down. Now go out and tell the same story to other people in your life. Tell me how perfectly you told the exact same story repeatedly.
I can tell you with certainty that it's almost impossible to do. I have been held at gunpoint while I was robbed by two TEENAGERS (yeah, tell me again how great teenager are and explain to me how those wonderful gun control laws work when teenagers aren't allowed to have guns). Anyway, it's hard to give perfect details when you have had your life threatened. They also happened to be black but I don't recall anyone in my community up in arms yelling racism over what happened.
I can't imagine how it must have been for George, getting attacked, and then having to use his weapon, only to find out that he actually killed someone. His story is going to change a bit here and there because the mind works that way. Take a psychology course for goodness sake. Overall, however the story will remain consistent with details coming back to his mind.
Also if you watch Zimmerman during his questioning and reinactment, he seems very calm. He didn't hesitate, he shows that he is beinng truthful through his hand movements and speach but even when he speaks about Trayvon approaching him, he doesn't show that he feels he's in any fear of Trayvon. This also coinicides with all of his actions that night. Yes, he thought Trayvon was acting weird; yes he thought Trayvon took off; yes when Trayvon approached Zimmerman, Trayvon sucker-punched him and that's why Zimmerman was shocked and was overtaken so easily. When Trayvon asked him what he was following him for he responded but he also went to grab his phone to call the police. Zimmerman never had any interest in approaching Trayvon. He was merely looking to see if he could find out where it was he ran off to. Afterall, why would someone just run away if they were not actually doing anything?
This isn't a Jodi Arias case where first she wasn't there, then two ninjas came in and killed Travis and almost killed her, and then she finally decided to say it was self defense, but can't remember because of a "fog." No. Those are definitely lies, the brain does not work that way, AND she had a history of stalking, making others uncomfortable, and a host of other lies that clearly destroyed any credibility concerning her testimony. She told three totally different stories; that's when you know someone is lying. When someone misses a detail here or there but the overall story is the same and is supported by witnesses along with all other KNOWN physical facts, we can safely say the person is telling the truth and that is why I believe in George's testimony.
Again, I am going to point out that none of my analysis has to do with race. It simply does not come into play.
This is a Manufactured Story to Create Race-Hate
Practically everything that has been released in the media concerning this case has turned out to be a lie.
First, you were told that Trayvon was a tiny 13 year old.
You were then told that Zimmerman was a racist, a white one!
The FBI has since found no evidence that racial bias played a role in the killing, according to the records released this morning.
In interview after interview, colleagues and friends of Zimmerman said that they did not know him to harbor racially biased views. Former colleagues described Zimmerman as professional, mild-mannered and courteous. One former co-worker, who spoke with Zimmerman the day after the shooting in the lobby of their workplace, said that Zimmerman looked "absolutely devastated." Another described him as "beat up physically and emotionally."When that white stuff ended up being wrong, they changed it to "white-Hispanic."
You were told Trayvon was a saint of some sort but that's not true either. Zimmerman killed in cold-blood. Really? Well, I believe I have proved that to be wrong. Zimmerman was 400 pounds and Trayvon was only 94 pounds....okay, I'm exaggerating but if it's okay that the media does it, why should it not be okay for me, right? See what I mean?
What you have been told is a bunch of lies fabricated by a team of racist creeps who have decided to smear a man because he was carrying a gun and forced to defend himself. If the prosecution is so interested in the truth, why do they deal in so many lies? Ask yourself that, please.
George Zimmerman and Trayvon -- The Homeless
It is interesting that both George Zimmerman and Trayvon had some interest in the homeless. While one man fought for justice concerning a homeless, black man being attacked while police did nothing, the other thought it would be fun to laugh at and film a homeless man getting beat up. Guess which one didn't sit by and allow the injustice of harming the homeless? Well, it certainly was not Trayvon.
Trayvon Martin Video:
If the police had something on Zimmerman, they certainly would have arrested him. It is safe to conclude that Zimmerman was probably not well liked by the police in Sanford since he led a movement accusing the police of cover-up.
Trayvon on the other hand seemed to have no problem with watching a homeless man get attacked. In fact he obviously considered it to be funny since he decided it would be fun to film it with his camera phone so he could enjoy watching it later and probably get amusement sharing it with his friends later. He didn't report the incident to the police, and his voice indicates that he was enjoying the show; it was all for his amusement. Nice. Is this the behavior of a young person who is supposed to be learning how to be a man?
I Hear Voices -- The Real Voice Screaming
Voice Sample of Trayvon taken from video posted above:
An independent audio expert believes that George Zimmerman is most likely the harrowing voice screaming for help in the crucial 911 call made seconds before Trayvon Martin was shot dead.
As attorney's convene back in court in Florida today to continue a hearing to determine whether jurors will even listen to the phone call - this new revelation significantly bolsters Zimmerman's claim of self-defense.Druming Up Hate Sharpton-Style
When this story first made it's way across the headlines in mainstream media, I was interested but when I discovered that the likes of Sharpton and Jackson had become active in advocating for Trayvon, I knew to be skeptical and thank goodness I was. The more I discovered, the more clear and aware I had become of the facts not adding up in this case.
One of the first pieces I wrote about this case was The New Tawana Brawley. Of course at the time, I didn't realize the special prosecuter would avoid a grand jury altogether, which is why this team of hate mongers were able to arrest Zimmerman in the first place. Just like the Tawana Brawley case, this same team of race haters, i.e. Sharpton, Jackson, came to the "scene of the crime" in order to stir up trouble and work up a frenzy in the media. This wave of hate spread like the fires in Colorodo dividing people along the lines of race. Unfortunately for them Tawana was a fraud, just like Trayvon's image.
Isn't it interesting that these gangster-style media pimps have already abandoned their TrayTray cause? Vowing to "occupy" Sanford somehow became unimportant to Sharpton but why? Could it be explained by the release of pictures depicting Zimmerman injured? Has it now become even obvioius to Sharpton that Trayvon did indeed double back and confront Zimmerman for the purposes of attacking him? Even Sharpton may have come to realize this case is just another Tawana.
Zimmerman is not a perfect man.
Nobody is claiming that Zimmerman is perfect. He is flawed just like we all are. Anyone put under a microscope would most likely end up looking bad.
Yes, I do believe Trayvon was a troubled teenager. I believe he was neglected because his parents clearly did not want to deal with their son and obviously had taken no interest in what he was doing outside of school or even in school for that matter. Is it necessary to tear either of these men down? I'm not so sure. I think it's a good thing that most of these past actions by either Trayvon and Zimmerman be kept out of the courtroom.
So let's start here. Let's just look at the events of that night only. When we consider all of the evidence in its totality there is nothing here that can convict this man, unless we are going by feelings of hatred alone. We are supposed to have a justice system that only convicts people when there is proof of their crime. Everything adds up to Zimmerman telling the truth. He acted in self defense and quite frankly when I listen to how long he managed to take a beating I'm surprised he didn't pull out his firearm sooner.
Documents from case.
DeeDee's written statement
Mostly, when I see articles like this I see a lot of pro-Trayvon's argument speech in the comments.
I'm not even one bit surprised that there are no comments yet considering you've clearly and concisely spoken your points while backing them up with factual evidence.
Thank you very much for writing this. We need more articles like this.
Wow. You just made my week!!! Thank you so much. I have been working my rear off trying to get the truth out and trying to do so in the most reasonable way. Thank you again for your comment. :)
You are very much welcome.
Before this, I'd been skimming through multiple forums looking for opinions and I still feel devastated to see there are so many that want to see Zimmerman locked away when the evidence for self-defense is crystal clear.
Due to the opinions of many, I think this case may be the most important that I will ever see in my lifetime.
This message NEEDS to get out. There are very, very few people fighting for this cause! I've looked and looked! People don't want to discuss this for fear of being called racist, but obviously YOU are willing to deliver factual truth regardless of possible negative consequences.
I desperately want to help spread this message. And this article is perfect for it.
Obviously, you want desperately to spread the message too. So I'm asking - if there is anyway that I can help you get the truth out, PLEASE let me help you. I would love to use this article in order to do it as it so perfectly lays everything out. I've felt like I want to help people see the truth about this case and often I feel I just don't know how to go about it.
Please contact me at if I can help you spread your message in any way. It is temporary so radicals won't fill up my inbox with hate speech. I will give you my real E-mail address in private.
I shall.
I actually am working on yet another piece for this case. Now that the verdict is in and more information has been discovered -- even more corrupt nonsense that was revealed through the hearings of this trial, people need to understand how we got to this point.
I do not ever fear being called a racist. I'm mixed; I'm American; I'm not a racist. :) You are indeed right however...people do fear because we are and continue to be conditioned to fear one another.
You're more than welcome to also copy whatever you like. This message is not about me but something much bigger. Anyone of us could be Zimmerman.
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