
Jodi Arias Trial -- More From the Prosecution and My Questions For Jodi

The prosecution has methodically taken down Jodi's claims, exposing them as more lies.

They have effectively proven that if Travis was shot first he would not have been able to continue grabbing at her or have the ability to do anything that could be perceived as being a continued threat. He was alive when he was cut across the neck; this act was clearly done before the gunshot.

Travis did not have any images of women or other inappropriate content on his computer.

Travis did show Jodi affection in public. A friend of Travis testified to this while supplying the court with a video and picture as his proof.

Jodi made three purchases at a gas station, each of which was for gas specifically. The amount of gas purchased would have required her to have three gas cans, not two. Furthermore there is absolutely no record of her ever returning a gas can to Walmart. She specifically claimed on the stand that she, "never signed anything" but this is a requirement for returns at Walmart, as is a requirement for any retail store I've ever been to.

The license plates on her rented vehicle, one being completely removed the other being affixed  upside down,  were explained by Jodi with two different stories. First she told the police officer that she thought her friends were playing a prank on her. Then she tells the jury that she knew it must have been some "skaters" who were snickering by her car as she left Starbucks. Two completely different stories, both of them are obviously lies.

Jodi did not stand on a shelf to retrieve a gun that Travis did not own. Jodi took the gun from her grandparents' home where she was living. This .25 caliber just so happens to match the caliber that went through Travis' head.

Jodi's continued claims of being in a "fog" are illogical. Most people do remember things after they talk about them. Apparently the self-described, genius Jodi seems to have less memory pertaining to the murder. Surprisingly she can only recall the beginning of the incident where Travis is attacking her and where Travis is chasing her.

Travis does not have any pattern of domestic violence in prior relationships.

In a nutshell, Jodi obviously planned this murder and did practically everything she could to cover-up her involvement. She continued to lie and make up stories. When all else failed she pulled out the self-defense card, still refusing to reconcile facts that do not match her latest story.

I am anticipating the close of this case but it seems some more expert witnesses will be called by both the defense and prosecution. We are being told that closing arguments will begin on Thursday.

In a fantasy world Jodi would tell the truth. Just for entertainment purposes, I have come up with some questions I would like her to answer.

Q: Jodi, you have claimed that you are a photographer but in the pictures that you took the day that Travis was killed, the photos are mainly dark, out of focus, and do not look professional. Can you explain why?

Q: Why is there no record of Travis ever owning a gun? Since you have been proven to be a liar, why should anyone believe that you didn't steal the .25 caliber gun from your grandparents? This same caliber was used to shoot Travis in the head.

Q: If you were scared to go on a camping trip with some male friends to the point where you felt you needed to purchase a gun for protection, why would you even consider going in the first place? Why should we not believe that this was anything other than telling us you are willing to kill again?

Q: What happened to the rope or twine you claimed Travis tied you up with? Did this event ever actually occur?

Q: Why did you move back to California if you seemed to have no interest in cutting off communication with Travis?

Q: In your interview with detective Flores you said you thought Travis had found a woman he would like to marry. If this is what you honestly believed, and you knew that you would be an instigator of problems for this relationship if you carried on with him, why would you still continue making contact with him?

Q: There is no proof anywhere that shows or even suggests that you were afraid of Travis or that he was making demands of you. Why do you feel you were abused? Please provide proof that supports these feelings.

Q: Your memory issues only surface when it's beneficial to you. You claim that at some point you knew you had killed Travis. If this were self-defense then why didn't you immediately just go to the police with that story?

Q: I would like for you to do a demonstration. I will have someone body slam you on tile, and then you can show us how you rapidly got up and started running. The very idea that someone got body-slammed and were magically able to escape from the grips of their attacker makes no sense.

Q: At some point you have to be aware of how your lies have hurt you and others around you. Could you please explain when and why it was you started lying in the first place? Honestly explain what benefit you've received from this behavior.

Q: You have told us that you damaged Travis' car and he merely asked for you to repay him in very small increments of 100 dollars per month. Why would this same man attack you over a dropped camera?

Q: The injury on your hand is not from the finger being broken as you claim. It is clearly a sliced tendon. Why lie about this?

Q: It's obvious you dyed your hair before going to Arizona; you purchased one gas can that was not returned and borrowed the other two; you shut your phone off; you took your grandparents' gun; you insisted on renting a car that would be considered less noticeable, you turned your licence plate upside down and removed the other, all for the purposes of being able to travel through Arizona without detection. If this isn't premeditated murder than what did you do any of those things for and why would you lie about any of them?

Q: Do you really believe your story at Starbucks explaining how your licence plates got screwed up is plausible or believable? Why?

Q: Why do you think Travis had no desire to marry you? Why carry on with someone who made it clear to you and others he didn't want to marry you?

Q: If Travis was the abuser, why was it you were always showing up unannounced at his home?

Q: In the video we recently saw, you were laying in Travis' lap while he spoke to a few people around him, telling them a story. In this video you are clearly with Travis as a girlfriend yet you are the one who appears bored, tired, and uninterested. Many people who have seen this video see your actions and movements similar to someone who is jealous of the attention Travis is getting. Can you explain why you said he was never affectionate with you in public when this is untrue? Can you also explain your jealousy for Travis?

Q: After killing Travis, you made several attempts to cover up your involvement. You even called his voice mail, left him a text, and wrote him an email. Hours after the killing you were with another man. How can you explain these actions if you never had any intent on killing him?

Q: You whine about men cheating on you.  In fact, it could be said you cheated on Ryan when you went to Arizona. You didn't tell him you were going and you lied to him about getting lost. Why is this behavior okay for you but not for other men? Would you feel the same if Ryan had done this to you?

Q:; You have expressed concern over your church's  beliefs and how you have struggled to abide by them but you never attempted to make any changes moving in a more positive direction..Why would you belong to a church where you clearly had no intention of becoming a better member by making changes in your life?


Well, that's about all I have so far. Even though there really is no reason to ask a pathological liar like Jodi any of these questions, it sure would be interesting to discover the answers were she ever to tell the truth.

Let's hope tomorrow is going to be the beginning of an end to this trial. I pray the jury makes the right decision.

I found this interesting video that was posted on http://jodiariasisabutcher.com/ 

Another reason I do not believe her when she says Travis was abusive to her has to do with her immediately running into the arms of Ryan, right after the murder! Abused women who finally get away are not interested in even looking at another man, let alone fully trusting another man, and they especially do not want to be kissing on them. From my own personal experience and from other women I know who have suffered at the hands of a violent male, battered women/victims of domestic violence become extremely apprehensive about getting involved with another man. It can take years for them to trust again and in some cases, never.

Again, it's just all lies and bs made up by Jodi. I truly believe she gets great entertainment from trying to fool people, even when she knows people don't believe her because she knows she is torturing people by not being honest about what happened that night. Most of all, she is torturing Travis' family. They will never know the truth because of her and this makes her pleased.


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