So the CEO of Chick-fil-A does an interview and reveals his support for traditional marriage. You know, the way it's always been for six thousand years with one man and one woman? Now the left in this country has gone into full-on insane mode and they have set up the terms of this argument by telling everyone the whole company represents gay-hate.
I support traditional marriage. I dare anyone to tell me that I am a gay-hater. This is beyond stupid! I was emerged in the gay culture for years. I have no idea why this issue has become so pressing. Previous generations of gays never wanted anything to do with "straight" activities like marriage. They simply wanted to be left alone but treated equal - like human beings. To this day, only around 10 percent of gays who only make up about 3 percent of the entire population, are even interested in seeking out marriage.
Marriage is also a religious institution so how is it that the same group of people who are forever whining about state being separated from church are now insisting to be associated with this tradition? I thought religion was "opiate for the masses" and just plain stupid. So why would people insist on taking over and changing the definition of marriage? Why can they not be satisfied with civil unions or something similar? Call it gayriage; I don't care but don't come in and mock marriage with your fake substitute and then expect people to be okay with that.
So get this...
Some guy at my work decided to tell everyone that Chick-fil-A has a menu item called, "Queer-Hating Chicken Cordon Bleu." I immediately told him that was a stupid joke. He insisted that it was actually true. I couldn't believe it. I said, "You really believe they have on their menu, 'queer-hating chicken cordon bleu'? He insisted that they did and said that he knew it was true because he read it on the internet. I traced this story, as you can too, to The Onion. Apparently he wasn't smart enough to realize that The Onion is satire. Oh, and of course this guy is a liberal who hates Bush. Finding a needle in a haystack is easier than finding an intelligent liberal these days.
It's astonishing the amount of people who have decided to express their intolerance by declaring how tolerant they believe themselves to be. Exactly what do people gain from pushing this silly notion that gays are denied rights? I may have found the answer while I was debating certain people on the internet, via Facebook.
For whatever reason many of these people seem to think that gays are now the equivalent of blacks, their struggles are the same. I'm not sure if they realize how utterly insulting this comparison is. Blacks are blacks by DNA, just as anyone's race is pre-determined. It's funny, I also don't recall any time in our history where gays had to drink from the "gay-only" fountain, or gays legally being forced into slavery. The comparison is so ignorant, I fail to understand how one can try to make it. Being gay requires a person to engage in homosexual acts. Gay is contingent upon an action because it is a behavior and behaviors are ultimately choices. When I made this point to someone, they were quick to say they believed that a gay person could not control their actions and then tried to make a comparison to a person who suffers from Tourette's. I then pointed out that she was correct, a person who cannot control their actions is someone who suffers from a mental disorder. Homosexuality is a mental disorder. Finally, I asked her, "would you consider telling someone they should act like they have Tourette's or some other mental disorder?"
Of course no one would encourage someone to act like they have a disorder. Homosexuality is not a normal action. In order for the human species to survive, it must procreate. Homosexuality stops procreation, therefore it most certainly is not a superior act. Biologically, some homosexual acts can be considered harmful and even dangerous. We also know that homosexual acts are responsible for the wide spread of venereal diseases that include HIV. Unfortunately, the psychological problems associated with those that are homosexual do not give them any favor either. They have higher rates of mental and physical illness. In fact, the lifestyle in general has proven itself to be generally unhealthy. Either people are ignorant of these facts, they refuse to acknowledge these facts, or they have serious issues themselves and this is why they seem to make an equivocation between race and homosexuality. The denial of these problems does no service to the gay community. Even pro-gay groups cite information showing homosexuals suffer at higher rates of mental illness and dependency on drugs and alcohol.
The idea that someone cannot control their sexual actions seems a bit drastic to me. I believe we all most certainly choose who we have sex with and when (aside from rape obviously). Homosexuality seems to be a bi-product behavior that is a result of exposure to a toxic/dysfunctional sexual environment or activities. Many homosexuals report that they were victims of pedophilia. Others insist they "always knew" they were gay because they engaged in some same-sex play as a child, seemingly unaware that many children engage in those acts and they mean nothing since the part of the brain that controls sexuality has not even begun to develop at the time.
The Archives of Sexual Behavior reports: "One of the most salient findings of this study is that 46 percent of homosexual men and 22 percent of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender. This contrasts to only 7 percent of heterosexual men and 1 percent of heterosexual women reporting having been molested by a person of the same gender."
Marie, E. Tomeo, et al., "Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons," Archives of Sexual Behavior 30 (2001): 539.
Noted child sex abuse expert David Finkelhor found that "boys victimized by older men were over four times more likely to be currently engaged in homosexual activity than were non-victims. The finding applied to nearly half the boys who had had such an experience. . . . Further, the adolescents themselves often linked their homosexuality to their sexual victimization experiences."
Watkins and Bentovim, p. 316.
A Child Abuse and Neglect study found that 59 percent of male child sex offenders had been "victim of contact sexual abuse as a child."
Elliott, p. 582.Many people like to argue that gays experience more stress due to the norms and standards that support heterosexuality and this could be a possible explanation, but to suggest that we should do away with heterosexual standards in order to make a few people comfortable is human suicide. As humans we must love one another and be supportive but, we must also recognize that some behaviors are abnormal and should be avoided or curtailed. The world is not all about me or you. It is about all of us and in order for the whole to work, the individual must learn to function healthy.
I myself have gone through struggles of depression which is ultimately a selfish state of being. No one encouraged me to be depressed; they tried to help me overcome my problem - my dysfunction. The world should not stop to cater people who are depressed, lazy, negative, or any other abnormal issues that people have. The world must maintain standards of healthy thoughts and behaviors in order to help the whole of humanity.
I know there are many gays and lesbians that do not want help, nor do they have any desire to change their sexuality. I respect that. I know a person who was molested by her father for years until she told him to no longer touch her. This was an extremely horrific experience that most of us could not even imagine living through. She is now a lesbian and from what I can tell, she seems to be fairly happy and in a stable relationship. I'm proud of her. I love her for who she is and what she has become. If someone were to go to her and tell her she should work on being straight, I would imagine she might want to punch them in the face! I think if I were her, I would do the same. Why should she change? If she's found some happiness, who am I or anyone to try and take what little happiness she has found in life away from her?
My point is, I know there are some people who feel homosexuality is the best life for themselves. It's something they feel comfortable with and something they desire. We all want to be loved and we all want to be comfortable inside of that love dynamic. I'm not interested in judging a person or their experiences but I cannot and will not suggest that the act is normal. I believe in allowing people to live their lives the best way they know how. This is not a perfect world and that means that people are not perfect. I would never expect anyone to be perfect...Lord knows I am no where near any idea of perfection...but none of this takes away from the fact that standards and norms are important for cultures as a whole.
We should all strive to be the best we can be as individuals and we should all strive to adhere to standards that reflect a healthy mind and body. When someone comes forward and expresses their support for an institution that has repeatedly demonstrated itself to be a healthy standard for the beginning of a family, they should not be condemned or ridiculed but rather supported. Just because a person expresses support for traditional marriage does not mean in anyway that they are hateful of the abnormal either. They are simply recognizing the fact that one idea is superior compared to another.
Even within homosexual relationships, we find that there is always a male/female dynamic that is present. Terms like lipstick/dyke or top/bottom generate from the idea. These are terms that the gay community actively uses. They profess themselves that one person in the relationship acts as the "man" and the other acts like the "female."
There is nothing hateful when someone simply says, "Love your life how you want, but know that there are consequences for your actions and don't deny that some ideas, habits, and thoughts are more superior to others. Do things not just for others, have self interest, not selfishness."
If you really believe that love means to just condone all behaviors, ignoring negative consequences for said behaviors, then you do not know what love is. You are only ignoring certain behaviors because you are making yourself comfortable; you're not worried about anyone but yourself.
The establishment of a family through relationships of one man and one woman, joining together for their lives, have consistently proven to be the ideal environment for nurturing a family, a child, a human. Denying this fact is ultimately denying the rules of the universe - not chosen by us but by G-d above. When we deny facts and deny right and wrong, we deny G-d; we deny physics; we deny language; we deny mathematics; we deny logic. We may never fully adhere to ideal ideas of the world but that's what life is, a series of understandings concerning the universe. We walk along to better improve our ideas so that our actions and behaviors can improve as well. We do this for ourselves and we do this for others. How can we possibly expect governments and corporations to act with morality if we never bother to push individuals, on a cultural level, to their fullest potential?
Corporations and governments are corrupt because of us! It's because our culture has not simply demanded the most of individuals. Instead of recognizing superior ideas and rewarding them, we have humiliated them and ridiculed them. If what we praise is ultimately negative, inferior, and damaging then it should come as no shock to us that institutions have become corrupted. Yes, those elements are present in all cultures, all countries, but it is how a culture deals with those elements that determines its superiority as a whole and only if we have a superior culture can we have superior conditions for people to live in.
People like the CEO of Chick-Fil-A are showing true love by speaking up and supporting something that is a known positive. Anyone who can view that as hate is either filled with it themselves or they have never been loved...or have loved another... because they do not know what love is.
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