Now that his “Blame Bush” hobby horse finally has retired to the glue factory, Obama resorts to pinning America’s woes on the “Do-Nothing Congress.” If only these parliamentarians would stop taking endless lunches, sipping cocktails at Capitol Hill happy hours, and napping at their desks, America might have some chance of returning to normal.
The 112th Congress has been characterized by a very active legislative pace in the Republican House, featuring the passage of many measures designed to revive America’s exhausted economy.
The Democratic Senate, meanwhile, is a much lazier place, where House Republicans’ measures go to die.
The figures bear this out, beyond debate
Through September 15, the Republican House had been in session for 120 days. The Democratic Senate through the same date had been in session only 115 days.
In terms of recorded votes, the two bodies are as different as Times Square and the Everglades. Through September 15, the GOP House had voted 711 times. Meanwhile, across the same period, the Democratic Senate had only 137 recorded votes. So, the allegedly lethargic GOP legislators whose sloth dooms the nation actually are five times as energetic as their indolent counterparts in the Democratic Senate.Click title of this post for the full story.
Obama likes to blame everyone else but his incompetency, which is the obvious problem he has trying to run this country. Forget the fact that he's not a citizen, this is a matter of him having absolutely no experience running the government, or even a lemonade stand. His lack of education in the area economics is painfully obvious whenever he opens his mouth about "making things fair" and stealing from the rich to give to the poor philosophy.
Seems like Obama's lies are finally being brought to the light. Let's just pray these fools that originally voted for him, start to pay attention, just a little.
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