The Casey Anthony case has finally come underway after 3 years. When it was reported that Caylee was missing, I was nearing 7 months pregnant with my little girl. The thought of my baby missing from me for any amount of time, scares the living crap out of me. In this case, the mother Casey, had waited a full month to report her daughter missing. Actually, it wasn't even her that first reported Caylee missing; it was Cindy Anthony, the grandmother, who finally forced Casey to admit Caylee was missing.
Even after police were called, Casey remained calm and completely emotionless. She had no concern for where her daughter was and even took the police on a goose hunt, telling them she worked at Universal Studios, and going so far as to walk them down a hallway, hoping for her magic office to appear.
If you'd like to read my theory of the case, click here. The theory actually began with Scared Monkeys pointing out the names of the people who own the back lots where Caylee was finally found but, I did go a step further and found some other disturbing information. This murder was long planned out by Casey. Scared Monkeys is a great site so be sure to check it out, as they cover every detail of the case.
After the prosecution made their opening statements today, walking everyone through each day that Caylee was missing, and focusing on the little girl who lost her life to the monster that sat, stone-faced, shaking her head "no" at anything she didn't want to hear, the defense began. Jose Baez, began to twist a tale of crazed-proportions. It is now to be believed that Caylee drowned in the family pool with George and Casey present. Cindy had left the ladder near the pool. It was just an accident and because poor Casey was molested at eight years of age, she was scared to report this. Oh, and Kronk, the man who found the body, had collected it and moved it. He also admitted that the whole Zanny Nanny crap was fake.
Ummm ...what? Why on earth, if this were simply an accident, would neither of them report it immediately? The whole story is completely bogus. Why would Kronk keep a body for a month? Why is everyone else considered odd and strange, except the woman who is acting odd and strange? Why would he put tape all over Caylee's head and a heart sticker over that if it were just a "mistake"? This is pathetic! I missed the end of the defense's statement because, TruTv cut in with some other show but, upon research I did later on, George took the stand. He denied any of the sexual allegations.
George also denied being present for the death of Caylee. I'm sure he wants very much to protect his daughter but, it's nice to see he is finally stepping up. I am hoping this has to do with him wanting justice for that precious, little granddaughter of his. Caylee is who needs to be remembered here. Not Casey!
That's it! Shed your tears, Casey. It's amazing you didn't shed ONE tear when the police were talking to you. They repeatedly gave you a chance to tell them there was an accident and you responded, in a monotone voice, stoic, cold, and unemotional that you didn't know anything about what happened to your child. You simply left her with a nanny that we know doesn't exist.
This case just breaks me up. I look at my little girl, who is nearing the age Caylee was when she was tragically murdered by her own mother and my heart sinks just thinking what it was that Casey believes that little girl did??? Casey hated her parents more than she loved her child. I can't even begin to comprehend. That's exactly what Cindy's mother said.
I don't know that I'll be covering this story everyday because there are so many other sites out there that have the time to comb through all this, as well as just knowing more about the law but, I will try and do some updates here and there. I'm sure we have plenty of more interesting information to come out during this circus of a trial.
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