
Diane IS Lela -- Part 2 -- The Response

Holy Man of Gravy! The first part of this has taken off and I am very grateful that I have had a chance to spread the word about Diane Campbell.

Now, I want to make VERY clear that I first went to Diane, directly. I am not one of these people that feels comfortable talking behind anyone's back and anyone that knows me, knows I am a straight shooter. If I ever do say something about anyone, I will eventually say it directly to them. I have a weakness about that because, I do lack tact but, no one ever has to wonder what I'm saying about them.

Please note the time I contacted Diane:

Okay, notice how long it took her to respond to me. Part 1 of this, you can clearly see I posted at 11 o'clock at night. Actually, I think it's off by an hour, because Facebook is indicating the post was exactly 11 hours ago (I posted a link to my blog for this first post on my wall), so it would be 10 o'clock at night. I KNOW she was on Facebook deleting people because, after I sent the note, I waited and was refreshing my page. She had then deleted me as her "sister" and about ten minutes later I was no longer even her friend. We had about 24 friends in common, it went down to 4, and finally down to 1.

First of all, I have cousins as well and I also have many people that not only know me but, know my baby (well, she's two), as well. I also have pics of me from when I was very young and some pics of me about 5 years ago. People have seen me grow up on the internet. People have been there during my single days, my marriage, and me becoming a new mother. Also, if I was faking anything, I have an incredibly horrible imagination because, right now, I have had to move back home to live with my father at the age of 35. I feel like a total loser. I would LOVE to FAKE a life!!! Oh, please give me another life! LOL!

Actually, I love my life but, it's not exactly dazzling and sparkling at this point. :)

I have NO idea what she is talking about when she says, I "claim to be smart." I'm certainly not stupid like Diane.

Did you catch that? I didn't catch it before...She's Cuban born but, born and raised in Miami. Keep reading...it gets better. 

It's a pain in the butt to do screen caps but, it's so worth it! I love how she tells me to not contact her but, proceeds to send 4 additional messages to me.

Diane is pure idiot. I can't make this up folks! 

This woman is a total LOSER. First of all, if she really were this Lela person, I can assure you that she wouldn't give a rat's ass. She would have just said all along, "Okay, yeah, I'm not Diane, I am Lela. I'm sorry. I was just trying to live a normal life, that's all. I do porn. I know I should have told you. Can we still be friends?" That's what NORMAL, HONEST people do. Not Diane! No, no, she waits and comes up with a response. She deletes everyone; she talks crap about everyone; she accuses other people of being fake; she goes out of her way to make herself look like a total FOOL.

Yes, it's illegal to be impersonating a celebrity, Diane. I hope Lela does sue you. You, on the other hand, will have a hard time going after anyone because you are a fraud. There's a concept in the law called "dirty hands." This basically means that you cannot seek retribution from anyone, if YOU are the one who is guilty of being a fraud or, doing something illegal yourself. The law does not award people for being criminals. You have to keep yourself clean.

You also do NOT have an *official site.* All the pics from Lela are from her social networking sites and there is no warning not to use them. Oh, but I have a warning on MY Facebook profile.

Oh, you see that? Yeah, that's a disclaimer that I have on my profile.

Okay...so, let's take a closer look at her pics she sent. Remember, you can click on all of these images to enlarge them.
Nice old pic. Couldn't you find a pic that wasn't taken off of a scanner? Why not just use your phone like you normally do, Lela?

Oh, how convenient she doesn't have a pic with him and her dog, Aticus! Oh, that's right, she doesn't even have a pic with HER and her dog. How come Lela's profile has no pics of Aticus? Or, why doesn't Lela talk about her love of animals? I'm sure Lela's fans would go absolutely crazy over a dog.

How is anyone supposed to tell that these two pics are of the same guy? That first one could be a pic of a cop coming to bust your ass for selling crack again. How are we supposed to know?

Now, read above again and remember how she said she "took this one for me." Oh, really?

Click here for link.

Diane, Shut The F!#* UP! Just Shut The F!#* UP! Shut The F!#* UP! Shut The F!#* UP! Shut The F!#* UP! Shut The F!#* UP! Shut The F!#* UP! Shut The F!#* UP! Shut The F!#* UP! Shut The F!#* UP!

You are an absolute MORON. Do you honestly think I haven't gone through Lela's pics? I went through every single one of them and I also looked at her porn and I know it's NOT YOU because you two sound NOTHING alike. Nothing! Lela is a meat eater so, what's with this vegan crap? Shut The F!#* UP! Stop making a fool of yourself. Just admit it.

You just so happen to pick the name Diane Campbell, a woman born in 1967, a date that YOU have stated, who just happens to be a notorious criminal from where you live? Really? That was just luck of the draw I suppose? Hey, something tells me this Lela girl is a lot smarter and if she were to have some fake profile, I'm thinking she'd have the resources to find a name and new identity that didn't match one that belongs to a washed-out criminal! Porn stars make money. Real ones like Lela make REAL money. If you wanted to hide your identity, why don't you just do what so many others do and just put up cartoon pics, or other pics for your avatars? Why put up pics of your "real" self if you're trying to hide? Again, you're a fraud! I hope Lela reads this and I hope she gets a hold of me. She is a beautiful woman and I feel horrible that I have to associate her with your poisonous, toxic behavior.

Really quick...just a message I got from her AGAIN:

Diane Campbell April 7 at 12:02pm Report
and thank you for the right up. you will be reported and closed. you skervie hideous freak

Okay, Diane. See, the problem here is that I have to be saying something that isn't true and unfortunately, it is true.

The only thing I have NOT done, and will not do, is accuse her of animal abuse because I just do not have the proof. I have stated before, there are rumors of her taking money for chip-ins (I think that's the term), and the money is never to be heard from again. Also, dogs are mentioned to have gone missing.

I have now blocked her officially. I have not responded to her and I will NOT respond to her via Facebook. She can come on here and she can say whatever she wants to me. I am not afraid of her in the slightest. She wants to worm and slime around and act all defensive. This is how guilty people act.

No one gives a rat's behind if she has done porn or, is doing porn! It is what it is. No one is perfect. I don't know that I'd want my daughter to be a porn star but, I'd still love her if she did. If that's all Diane was hiding, then she would have just said that in the first place!

If you want to prove yourself, post a pic with you and your dog and a sign that says, "I'm NOT Diane Campell! I'm sorry folks."

LMFAO!!! It'll never happen and all she will do is continue to call names and act like a spastic psycho who has severe mental problems.

You need help and medication, Diane.

****Oh, and another thing....if you notice she says in her note to me that she has a landlord, then not a few beats later, she says she has all these properties, "all paid for by my talents."

Umm...then what do you have a landlord for you twit?

Continue on to Part 3.


Very special THANK YOU to...... 

Sian Barker <--- MY SISTER!!! <3

Suzanne Azzarella <3 <3 <3 

Cheri Stopthesufferning
Collette Kolbmann
Denise Nieratko
Donna McCooke
Dorte Harris
Exclusively Pits N-Staffies
Jessi LeBrocq
Josh Liddy
Kathy Paskvan
Kay Riviello
Kristi Marcus
Justine Tina Skwersky  
Leah Lindal
Rina Sky  
Sian Barker
Staci Lynn
Sue Heron
Suzanne Azzarella 
Wendy Williams-Case

I know there's others. If you have a business you'd like to plug, I will include that as well! 

Please visit this link that Josh originally made to call Diane on the carpet!

Let me note: I never meant to NOT credit anyone here. I feel like an ass now! I was just so angry and wanted to get this message out and quick. I posted the link and I did thank everyone but, if I didn't make that clear, I'm an ass and I've been called on it. I am very honored to add anyone's name on here. If you would like. I just didn't know to drag anyone's name I didn't know personally....it just happened fast ...I wasn't thinking. Plain and simple and I meant NO disrespect! My FAULT. I take full responsibility. If anyone would like to add more or their names, and add a link to their profile or business...just let me know and I will adjust this! 


Anonymous said...

I find it hilarious she doesnt even know Lela Stars real name? HAHA.. Okay not to mention all her hello kitty guns, she honestly claims its an AK 47, ITS AN AR 15!!!! Get it right. They were all stolen off of google, all 3 of them, the exact same pictures. The baby pink glock, which, Glock does not make them in pink, the rhinestone hello kitty gun, and the Pink AR 15 Hello Kitty Assult rifle. The pic of the lady shooting the gun, stolen from google, she said it was her *Lela her* and that lady doesnt even resemble Lela Star. Diane YOU ARE NOT Lela Star, you have been caught red handed so many ways. Your lawyer, is FAKE. You ARE FAKE. Everything about you is FAKE. You are a serious insane woman. With a wretchid criminal history. You make my stomach turn. And I too called you a Sister. Im so ashamed.... I defended you. And when the Lela stolen pics came to light I politley contacted you. You LOST YOUR MIND ON ME. When my Husband busted you on our group, copy and pasting a message I sent you, which you erased some of what I said and filled it with your own twisted lies, I was so upset. Thinking, how could she do this? Why would she do this? As soon as my Husband caught you in your lie, again you freaked out. We all know you are NOT Lela, and every second word that you spew is filth, and a LIE. Karma will find you, karma always does. I feel pity for the others who were played a fool by you.
And Diane if you read this, yes its Jessi. Your emails full of hate you sent me, are laughable at best. You are just a washed up junkie, who has nothing better to do with their time. Such a shame..

Tuesday said...

Thank you so much for the comments. Keep them coming and she IS reading! Good. People need to be aware of her because she WILL try and come back but, luckily we all know what a psycho she is. She will NOT be able to hide that part of herself.

She also gives conservatives a horrible name! Go be a liberal Diane!

Anonymous said...

I can back Jessi, I have original format Before her delete I like many was also watching:)And Thank you so much Tuesday for putting it all so eloquently.

Anonymous said...

Bravo. Another one bites the dust.

Anonymous said...

I was definatley watching, waiting, and gathering. Diane... oh Diane... you dug your self into a deep hole. Only way out, is the truth for once. But im sure shes incapable of it.

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic loser and fraud! Oh Diane how you love to evade questions and go on the attack.... I still have a question for ya... you never did answer me ...I hope you are reading this " Where is HIS scar and tattoo??? HA HA HA HA Delusional PSYCHO..... NO MAN WANTS YOU!!!!

Tuesday said...

Haha! Love it!!! This woman will be back so, keep this in mind.

Anonymous said...

Diane "CatFish" Campbell has been under the eye of AR advocates for several months due to her bizarre behavior & inconsistent stories. "She has left comments on threads she's a real estate broker & runs her own law firm. Diane once explained her poor spelling & bad grammar was because she had a staff of over 160 employees who edited her messages. Here's the kicker".. Diane sat on her bazzoka ass all day complaining about Judge Judy crap or the series Two 1/2 men. When in hell did she work?

Why do Diane Campbell's neighbors & old landlords know her by Diane Campbell & not Lela?? Even the neighbor who got a dog from DIANE CAMPBELL!

Why was the fb profile "Truth Or Consequences" Diane's cousin & later sister in-law?

Why was Gil Marquis once her son, then husband, then lover?

All the info we are discussing came directly from the fb page of Diane Campbell

Also know, whenever anyone from Diane's page made arrangements to meet up with Diane in person, it always resulted in a huge dramatic blow up! Her once friend was now a stalker & supposedly Diane had to file a restraining orders! She even posted the letters from the PD addressing DIANE CAMPBELL!

Diane Campbell also claimed to live next door to Mel Gibson. Her address was a located in a ghetto neighborhood. Yet the pics were of a mansion with an ocean front view?? Hmmmm

Anonymous said...

I'm putting money down Diane's next move is her fb page was hacked!!" ANYONE wanna go in on this?

Anonymous said...

She tried to say mine was hacked and they sent that rude message. When infact I have the screen shot of the message, its the same time same words, except the nice parts were changed with her nasty parts, she tried saying I said. I said no my FB was not hacked, nor was my email, so I wouldnt put it past her to say hers was now

Tuesday said...

Oh...good point with the hacking. I don't know what she's going to do and I don't care but, she tries anything...she already has such a long record, no one is going to deal with her. She screwed herself and I do not feel sorry for her!

Josh said...

all of this stuff was clearly posted on april 4th over at the swaylove.org facebook page...
i run that page, and find it a tad annoying that not only have you not sourced in any way the information from which you got there, but you've also went out of your way to post your own disclaimer (inside part 2) against "stealing information" -- explain that?

Tuesday said...

From the first part, I only posted the link where the screen caps came from and you can find that underneath. I totally didn't mean to make the impression that everything came from me. On THIS post, it did.

I will be more than glad to add anyone's information on here. I thanked people inside of the post but, NO I didn't include anyone's specific name. I do apologize and will be more than glad to include anyone's name on here! They can post here or send me a note via Facebook.

NO offence was meant. I am VERY sorry about that. I had done this to expose her...and felt that was the most important. So, I do apologize and if anyone does want their names directly on here, I will be MORE THAT HONORED to put their information here!!!

Josh said...

nobody had a clear screenshot linking (beyond any shadow of a doubt) "diane campbell" and "lela star" anywhere on the internet until i posted it on the 4th... now it's everywhere...

with that being said, spread the message, because she needs to be stopped...
it's just funny how i posted what i did and then all of a sudden i'm seeing all kinds of updates coming from everywhere, yet no one was sourcing me...
and as far as using my name... i don't care.
i'm not scared of diane, at all. and she has no legal case whatsoever, so i'd dare her to go ahead and file a lawsuit...
plenty of people would be glad to finally shut her shenanigans down for good...

Unknown said...

DIANE - give yourself up now! Nobody believes a word you say. You have done the classic predictable thing you always do and that is trying to turn everything around to make you look like the victim! You were NEVER a victim! Lela is a victim of identity theft, we are victims of your abuse and harassment. I have countless conversations saved between you and I, I have emails..... why? WHY? Is your drug abused head that messed up you actually believe your own lies? Your date of birth is in your email address honey! DUH!!! You gave me your home address. I have your mobile number that I have spoken to you on, I have a letter you typed re your possibly REAL job offering me a job.(Josh, none of that info is on your website, it is my info) Put all that together and do a search....YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FRAUD I HAVE EVER COME ACROSS AND YOU MAKE ME SICK, EVEN THE SIGHT OF YOUR NAME MAKES ME SICK! You cannot worm your way out of this one - well and truly BUSTED!

Anonymous said...

I have known "Diane" for 7 months! Yes...I was warned about her, but ONE thing she is good at...is worm her way into you life! I am sure this miserable piece of shit has a note of things people have said to use at a later date against them. I could have almost written the first Alternative Consequences myself...word for word! I made her admin in a secret FB group I had and yes...this is the group Jessi is talking about. When people confronted her...she would immediately block them or make excuses as to why I should get rid of them...eg being moles for other people SHE didn't like (or knew had caught her out)! I have lost MANY FB friends because of this filthy hag! She said on MANY occasions "you are just like me...blah blah"! Sure I can swear with the best of them, but Diane...you are NOTHING like me! I am not a vindictive, evil, lowlife, filthy scumbag. If you are reading this Diane, I want to thank you for the email you sent me and then ran with your tail between your legs like any other coward, so we couldn't reply! That is your common theme...isn't it! Spew vile crap and then block/delete people...how utterly coward are you...and it shows your low IQ! I tried sending an email back and this is what it said: "Is that the best you can do? How truly pathetic are you? I actually feel somewhat sorry for you, because it is OBVIOUS you need some serious psychological help"! And I also sent you a little information called "What is a sociopath"! Yes...that is YOU Diane! Either you are a bored little sad lonely individual with NO life who needs to make up stuff to make herself feel more important or you are simply that...a sociopath! Oh and just in case you do not know who this is...it is Dorte!

Anonymous said...

She will not come back as Diane.. ahe will reinvent herself as someone else. Her distinctive psychosis will start to show through. We need to warn each other if we see anyone suspicious :)

Anonymous said...

I agree! Her distinct way of typing WILL show through! Dorte

Tuesday said...

Exactly. She's too spastic and can't control herself.

Anonymous said...

Well...the photo of her in a red shirt (being old) with a Rotty puppy has been verified as being Diane by a person who actually KNEW her! This person even smacked Diane's tooth out when she witnessed Diane kicking a dog!

Unknown said...

Another thing Diane.....your username on a particular internet calling facility....A90SPINUP

If you were really Lela and aged 25, that would make you between the ages of 5 and 9 years old in the 90's. You have been giving yourself away all the time. I had doubts about you for a long time and then you just kept dropping those little clues - you're so clever!

Unknown said...

Sounds like all that ROC and Olay didn't really do you much good then Diane! Which by the way are products that are tested on animals......

You kicked a dog? You total and utter disgusting lowlife! Pond scum! A.R.A my ass. I am really having to refrain using stronger language however I have respect for Jennifer and her website. Diane Campbell wouldn't know what the word respect meant!

Tuesday said...

LOL! Swear away. I don't care at this point. My blog is for everyone to comment how they would like. ALL opinions are WELCOME!!! The more information we have, the better informed we can all be.

Who the F$CK kicks a dog?!!? OMG, I'm so disgusted hearing this. I hope to G-d that's not true.

Anonymous said...

I think it is....the person witnessing this smashed Diane's mouth in and the result is a capped tooth! It IS Diane Campbell in the photo with the red shit and the Rotty pup, but sources tell me she has a daughter and that could very well be the person who is parading on FB as an AR activist and "porn star"

Anonymous said...

This happened years ago, so "Diane" is NO spring chicken anymore! Diane has now turned her attention to me...come on Diane...you gotta do better than THAT! Dorte

Unknown said...

Yes, Dorte,we run parallel 'Diane' lives, sucked in and spat out with all the garbage inbetween. She has SO got it all coming back to her, and let's not gorget what a HUGE fan of KARMA our freakin 'sister' is, ROFLMFAO! It took me longer than others because I was unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.... which ofcourse we all were at some point. You just strung me along for longer, when I saw through you, you bitch, I dropped you like the nasty, vile stinking turd you really are. Copying and pasting my PM's, editing them to your liking, sending them on to my friends and telling them to unfriend me because.... and then putting your newly, still wet inked, post up saying it was me! Do you think my friends are that shallow they wouldn't tell me?? I STILL have friends, FRIENDS DIane, real, honest, truthful, respectful and SINCERE. Don't know what any of those words mean Diane??? Google them!! Didn't take me all of 5 minutes to find your convictions, all public knowledge! Best fucking $9 I ever spent in your direction, what you gonna do? Ask your cop 'friends' to make all those criminal charges go away?? Harassment, violation of restriction orders, larceny, drugs dealing/taking. Oh sweet Karma, thank you, thank you for giving me BeenVerified.com. For pointing me towards Gabber where she has an account stating some rather remarkable, but I guess not surprising notes in your profile, people411...... Now Karma, if you'll just grant me one last request I promise I won't ask again. Kick her sorry ass and that of her lover/son/husband or whatever the hell he is, anyway, GIL, to jail and please throw away the key, put their notes on the door: HUMAN AGGRESSIVE BITCH, UNPREDICTABLE, UNSTABLE, DOES NOT PLAY WELL WITH OTHERS, 3 DAYS LEFT, WHO WILL CLAIM THIS BITCH, NAMED DIANE,BUT WILL ANSWER TO A STRING OF OTHERS. WE DAREN'T EVEN LET A LEGITIMATE 501(C3) PULL AND PLACE.AND NO CROSSPOSTER/TAGGER/FOSTER/RESCUE OR ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL WILL TOUCH HER. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH THIS BITCH? CAN WE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC?? DISEASED. CANNOT GIVE AGE AS WE CANT'T TELL LOOKING AT THE TEETH, SOME MISSING, APPARENTLY BY CONNECTING WITH A WELL MEANING PASSER BY PROTECTING A SMALL DOG FROM HER VICIOUS ATTACK ON SAID DOG.
Diane Ianicelli Campbell BRING IT ON BITCH, there is NOTHING you can do to me now, NOTHING. You've done it all, I am a dc SURVIVOR!! your emails and threats are with the police as are those of your partner. We ALL known the games you play with your posting/copying, you need to learn how to spell, then study the local area and language of my homeland in order to pretend to me. We've all seen through you.

Anonymous said...

And your not too bright Jennifer. Thats Officer lance C Edmonds and we have called the New Haven PD to let these cops know your using their photos in this garbage Along with the Omaha PD 402-444-5600 and your screwed.

also I hear you and Diane were lesbians and thats why you so hurt.

Wow- talk about a ascorned lover. Its ok Jannifer. If you like girls and this one left you its ok.

But I will say that using some old broads photo is the most disrespectful thing I have ever seen anyone do. Thats where i draw the line. She is an old woman. You hare no class. None. Neither does your little lover Diane. But at least she isnt wasting her time printing photos on elderly peeps.

This is not exceptable by any means and well your out o order Miss Tuesday.

Cops dont like their photos being used nor do they like someone hatin on the elderly. Proves your white trash.

At least Diane makes it known she is trash. You are a coward and a little whiner who got jilted by her lover.

Ever been to jail Jannifer? Looks like your on your way. and I see a nice group called the Alternative Conservative and her hate for animals!

You dirty bitch.

Anonymous said...

Sian and Wendy OMG they are Dianes best friends. What a group of jokesters. OMG wow this is hillarious.

Sian Barker the pan handler who begs her friends for money cause she cant pay her rent or Petrol....yeah I got that already. Its all over the internet Sian. Scammer. I know Neal and your a fraud, and not Sian Barker. Your a swindler who begs for money. You are total trash and the people here are laughed at anyhow.

DONT TRUST SIAN AND WENDY! THEY DO TELL DIANE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday said...

Don't you think you have enough problems with being busted for harassment, Diane? It's not smart to keep doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Wll Miss Jennifer Internal affairs 203-946-6249 ended up the ones we had to call in Connecticut ad your reported. VERY SERIOUS STUFF! More than claiming your a porn star I might add. And using photos of cops with a porn queen is a no-no especilly a nice man Like officer Campbell a minister. The harm you could bring is absolutely wrong on your part.

So bash who you want because nobody cares about Diane, even though this is nothing but BS and not interesting enough to hold but the interest of a few sad individuals. This is going to bring you quite a bit of a hassel so BUSTED? Oh yeah. They viewed everything as we called and your in BIG TROUBLE! You better read on the laws and also to the blogger you use because using someones photos is one of the complaints as is defaming people and using these photos of an old woman and cops thats bad bad bad. I hope they arrest you. Then you and Diane your lover can be together You have been reported to the blooger and to the Internal Affirs Dept in CT! and Omaha!

Anonymous said...

Oh trust Im not Diane. There are still some of us who have moral decorum and will not allow innocent people to be trashed by a nut like you. SO while your shocked yes there are some of us of her friends who find you a sad little girl. keep your games up. Using peoples photos in this manner is sad.

Not that anyone reads this joke.

Tuesday said...

LMAO!!! This is hilarious. Now you're calling him officer Campbell. Apparently, you forget your lies or, you didn't even bother to read the post. Nice try loser. Now run along, sad troll.

Anonymous said...

dont worry clown. she still has friends and it has nothing to do with her because nobody cares about her. You have two photos of cops in connection with a porn star and one of their mothers photos. your screwed. your being reported lieft and right

why you would hurt cops is beyond me. why you would hurt old folks is beyond me.

But I guarentee you the name th auhorties got with phone numbers to call are not Lela or Dianne I guarentee you. Come list my moms pics and you will be in a body bag- come use my mans pics and you will be in a bidy bag.

Your a dyke and you know it and you and your scank GF had a fight. Boohoo!

Anonymous said...

Have it your way. If the thought of a person finding this disgusting that shocking to you have it your way. I assure you this is a warning that IA has been called. I gave you every chance to stop being a child and using photos f people when you have no right to.

It has nothing to do with Diane being Lela cause I have a life and unlike you dont get off on ther peoples BS. And thats what this is. Enquirer quality garbage....are they all Democrats? I dont see what this has to do with being a conservative.
Your not going to trash two innicent cops or peoples mothers and you are a clown.

So have it your way. Have fun while you can.

Is it that hard to think someone may find you offensive?

Well I do. And many of us do. And I guarentee you you can LYAO all you want. You can assure yourself that Internal affairs has been notified.

Go study law first on whats right and wrong. and dont hurt innocent people.

Keep your bitch fest private.

Anonymous said...

Oh I see she thinks we are the porn star oh ok!

KC I have also spoken to officer at the police in internal affairs. She has my name and number. I WILL BE HAPPY to help the police to not be slammed by losers like you who cant keep their petty BS off the forums.

Anyone else who wants this garbage taken down can call them at 203-946-6249 and tell them its in regards to the two cops they said Edmonds and Campbell being depicted here. Ones a minister ones retired. Either way a disgusting display of a cat fight gone bad

Tuesday said...

Are you retarded or something? You can't even see their faces! LMAO! Diane, get a life. You have been exposed; you're a worthless rat and nothing I have said is wrong or incorrect.

Unknown said...

Ha ha! You nut job! I haven't asked for any money off anyone and I have the conversations to prove it. As for Diane's best friends - she only WISHES she had best friends because right now she is the lonliest saddest low life around. See the problem is.........I can have you for slander and libel because the lies you like to post are just that....LIES! I am who I am, simply as my name suggests. Diane likes to screw with people's emails and posts by adding in her own words to take the heat off herself. It's habit, we are used to it! SO let internal affairs read this blog and let them contact me and I will let them have EVERYTHING I have got and believe me that is reams of reading)and in return I'll ask them to bounce your trashy ass to right where it belongs!
Jennifer has not 'used' anyone's pictures - she simply 're-posted' them because they are all over FB! The only person who uses other people's pictures and claims they are that person is Diane Campbell. Diane Campbell is the fake and the fraud - you however, whether you are Diane or her mouthy son really do need to wake up!

Tuesday said...

How can the officer be retired if "Lela" says he's her age and they were married? Hmmm? OMG...Diane, you are such a LOSER! I'm leaving all these comments up just to show that you don't even have the balls to post using your name. Instead you pick Anonymous. Hahaha...You don't know much about the internet, do you Diane?

Anonymous said...

Diane SCAMbell

Unknown said...

Can I have the name of the officer you have spoken to...please..

Anonymous said...

Excuse Me!" Why would anyone be calling internal affairs? That department to to investigate police officers. NOT on-line bloggers? {{ OYE }}

Anonymous said...

Wow, is this really Diane/lela/ Alfonso /richard Simmons? Excatly who are you really Diane? Plenty of people took you for face value ,now we are questioning just exactly what your face really is. People offered you friendship and you then turned it into a twisted little game. Hell I bet your are probably one of obamas relatives, most likely his deadbeat aunt! Thanks for nothing!
ps that is my real name and pic roflmao

Unknown said...

Lol! Is Ms Diane not going to offer up the name of an officer she spoke to then?

Anonymous said...

Diane, Your HORRIBLE grammar, spelling, foul mouth style gives you away. You might as well post your name. I loved when you told me you were a law student at Harvard LMAO!!!! Of course you had me fooled, I mean you sound so educated!! LMAO! Oh I should dig up some of the emails you have sent me. Everyone would enjoy them :) I LAUGHED at you BACK then and I CONTINUE TO LAUGH AT YOU NOW! Washed up junkie!

Tuesday said...

She said she was a Harvard law student?!?! LMAO!!! I think she tried saying she went to Yale at one time and then she took that down. Wow. This poor woman needs serious help. I cannot believe it took me so long to catch on. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Again, this is pat of Diane's mental illness. Drug use can often worsen these symptoms and the patient can become manic-- very similiar to what we've seen with Charlie Sheen. She is most cetainly having a psychotic episode right now. You can tell by her loss of self control and anger.

Tuesday said...

Yep, that's her alright. No question. She's a sociopath as well. She's flat out lost it on the other post there.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry but I have to laugh out loud at this one. HAHAHAHA.. Wow Diane sure is desperate. Wait, have ANY of you been contacted by the police on this? Didnt think so... Diane.. Get a life..

Unknown said...

I'm still waiting for the name of the officer they/she has been in contact with? LOL

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for my phone call from the cops....waiting...waiting! Diane...you are nothing but a sad little wormy disgusting bitch sociopath! I beg you to take me on!

Tuesday said...


She is so pathetic. All these posts...same language. Spells the same words wrong, repeats herself constantly, spastic behavior, etc. All dead giveaways. How utterly sad and pathetic.

Why not just post under your name Diane? Why not just have a conversation here? Why not just come forward and be truthful? That's just too hard for you to do.

Anonymous said...

Keep digging that hole deeper bitch! You know and I know you were caught red handed...editing posts! Proof is a screen shot of the original post BITCH! BRING IT...I BEG YOU! Oh and by the way...yes, I knew "Vincent Paul" was either one of your alter egos or one of your fucked of henchmen! BETTER TRY NEXT TIME! I stand by EVERY word...you are a fraud...a con artist...a seriously disturbed individual! What are you gonna do...the same as always...spew vile shit, then block/delete and run with your tail between your legs like the coward bitch you are! Dorte

Anonymous said...

Apparently I am due a lawyer's letter.. waiting patiently by the door.. dum de dumm.....

Unknown said...

No! Seriously, a letter? I thought Diane's 'lawyer' sent emails not letters?! Emails don't have printed letterheads you see ;)

Anonymous said...

well I got a Phone call from her lawyer lol!!

Anonymous said...

wonder when I will get a phone call from her "lawyer"!

Tuesday said...

Why am I not in jail? I made arrangements with the family and friends!

Tuesday said...

Since when does posting pictures land someone in jail?!!? OMG...this woman is a F***ing idiot!!! Can you imagine being in jail over posting pictures? Diane, you are the biggest MORONIC idiot I have ever encountered. Get a job. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes an actual letter I have been threatened with.. she must have realised that lawyers PROBABLY don't use Facebook for business purposes.. EVEN FOR DIANE!! I KNOOOW! Who would have thunk it eh :)
Anyways apparently I look like Prince Charles (that was the best she could do)LOL..
Yours patiently
Donna x

Anonymous said...

Waves at Donna...all the way from Oz ;o)

Yeah...I think it is VERY important to emphasise that we do NOT give a damn about the so-called Diane...what we care about is the animals that might end up getting hurt...the people that will continously get hurt by this looney toon's deceitful and downright disgusting behaviour!

If you threaten ONE person...they might shake in their boots! If you deceive ONE person...they might not understand, but this has been done to many people. Too bad for you Diane that these people were smart and screen shot/saved the so called posts!

Oh I know...the next one will be your account was hacked and taken over by an evil spirit!

What will be the next..."we are just jealous of you"...BAHAHAHAHAHA! Jealous about what exactly! Your youthful skin? LOL...that you have been a vegan for 25 years HAHAHA!

I warned you not to fuck with me Diane! How is that group going "We hate Dorte Harris and all the haters"!

I do want to touch on something here because I think it is VERY important! A little bird is telling me about a dog called Harley...is that right!

Diane brought Harley to Petco for grooming. In the tub the dog passed out because he was very sick. When the dog passed out, he broke his leg due to a pre-existing tumor making it already fragile. Petco offered to pay for the broken leg. They knew she was trying to scam them, so they said she would have to pay for the pre exsiting condition. Well Diane soon learned that she was not getting over on them and decided to have Harley put down...then tried to sue them saying that they were the cause of her having to put down her dog. So Harley is dead apparently :o(

I ask you Diane...where is Harley?!? Did you honestly pts him instead of trying to save him and getting him fixed???

Here is the story: http://www.wfsb.com/news/14719705/detail.html

Unknown said...

LOL! Of course you can't get arrested for posting pictures - but you see apparently we're not as clever as her so we wouldn't know that (*shhhhh!) ;)

However, you can get arrested for posting pictures and CLAIMING THEY ARE YOU Diane! It's called Identity Theft! You stalked that poor girl. Every new picture she posted, you swiped it.
Where are the photos of 'Diane with Atticus'? Where are the photos of 'Diane with Marley'? How come Marley comes over 'to play' at the weekends if Atticus is 'dog aggressive' as you told someone. You couldn't wait to move house because Atticus would have a big fenced yard to play in - any pics? Atticus on the beach (which is 200 yards from your door as you stated), any pics? You love that dog so much you'd have thought there would be loads of pics of you two together, you love using your phone to take pics! Ooooops! But that would reveal the real you wouldn't it! DUH , silly me!

Sian who isn't really called Sian (Brit Trash)
Oh Donna! Forgot to say helloooooo :) 'Prince Charles'? That's a bit harsh don't you think? ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh hello Sian who isn't Sian. It was all she had to throw at me! I am mortally wounded!The shame!!
By the way, have a look at the floor in the Petco news article... Now call me old fashioned but I have never seen a penthouse suite with mouldy old flowery swurly carpet before.
Maybe they do things differently in Dianeland
Kind regards

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing I've heard for a while Diane was someone called you Catfish Campbell.. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! WHO DID I GIVE BIRTH TOO! SIAN, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?????? YOU'RE NOT YOU???? ALL THESE YEARS AND YOU SCAMMED YOUR MOTHER???? I am deeply hurt. I will have to tell Uncle Charles, HRH, Aunt Camilla (BITCH), your Grandmother, Elizabeth HRH and YOU KNOW What Prince Phillip is like, OMG, YOU KNOW his temper and that he threatened you with the dungeon for texting during a meal. For sure, the shame. We CAN FORGIVE YOU OF ONE THING, YOU'RE ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION WITH THIS SAID DIANE (shame on the beautiful name of Princess Di, miss her), FOR THAT YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN. GOING TO HAVE TO PROTECT YOU THOUGH, SND YOU TO BALMORAL FOR A WHILE at least till she is incarcerated. Sian, you dodged the bullet. PLEASE don't be someone else, come back to us, we will help you. I see someone put her and her/him (all being the same person) in a High Kill Facility in Global Facebook City, The World. Hmmm! I hear they kill very frequently the bitches and their darling puppies if they are human aggressive, particularly to kind gentlefolk trying to help animals. Ah, well. It's all for the good, for all we know she and her puppy could be rabid, sounds like the worst case of a rabid terrier (sorry terriers) I have read about. They won't be killing off one, I hear with multiple personalities in a rabid bitch, it is best to kill off all of them. FB death is final, ugly, painful...... and I FUCKING LOVE IT! From your dear mother who gave birth to you in your homeland, which by the way is NOT Engand, lol. xxx
Hurry up and get well, we don't want you to miss the wedding... I hear the palace are putting on a fantastic boozefest after. WE LOVE YOU.XXXX
Waves to Donna in Oz.... from WALES. oxoxoxoxox
Thanks to the press coverage I have to remain anon in case one loses ones head. You know, guilty by association. ROFLMFBO!

Unknown said...

You know if I told you who I was mum, then it would just blow my cover completely! I mean, I don't look anything like the person you gave birth to do I? Or is my disguise so good you really think I am Sian?

I'm going to ask Donna if I can have an invite to the wedding, if you get accepted by HRH then that's it - you're in! ;) Mind you, Prince Charles' son only lives down the road so maybe I can just go and say 'Hi'. He's a busy guy though ya know. Works his backside off for the RAF and really does do this country proud. He's very much like his mother (I miss you Princess Di)a people person and would do anything for anyone. I really admire him for who he is and hope one day he will oversee this country.

I tell you what I can't stand though, people who work in the services/forces claiming they will do anything for their country and the people within and then on the outside they totally DISGRACE themselves by abusing, slandering and even threatening people! I'm sure people like that bring down the credibility and respect of their fellow service men and bring shame......tut tut, I'm glad we have hard working and civil service men.

Donna, you should be proud ;)
Oh mum, Donna is a fellow Brit :)

Unknown said...

Hi Sian ((((((hugs))))))) (Brit)
Hi Donna (((((((hugs))))) (Brit)
From Mum. Dual Nationality Welsh/American. Yes I'm an American Citizen!!!
No Sian, you DON'T look like the baby I gave birth too, lol. You've grown into a remarkable, talented, caring (Humnans/animals), compassionate and Beautiful young woman. I am SO proud of you, thank you for being YOU!

Remember that Campbell! DON'T FUCK WITH ME!

Unknown said...

Awwwwww! Thanks! I have a great role model mum who taught me compassion and love for ALL things xx
I like being ME :)

Anonymous said...

I am in Oz....Donna is in the UK ;o)


Unknown said...

Just ONE or TWO little facts that could be cleared up here, re her intentions and her 'SON'

Unknown said...

This is it folks. The proof that he masquerading as her son, using his Mum's computer, cos obviously they only have the one!

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Diane C wrote:

Fuck you cunt. this si her son. fuck you you skanky fucking cunt. get a fucking life ya old fucking bag! You need to get a life. Everyone on FB is hating your fucking guts. Im reading it. you and your Brit daughter. now kindly get fucking lost.

you dirty english whore.

do not ever ever ever bother anyone here again. the only pitbull killers are you your daughter and that jhick who isnt gettin no dog.

so you need to take a look at whats being said about YOU right now. ya old fat ass bag. you are a lunatic. a fucking lunatic and a really bad rescue at best.

Now get busy and go find Tyson a home. cause he needs a good one. you ridiculous cunt.


you are a fucking joke. and the census shows the same opinion. Trust me there. The reasons people dislike ,e is all BS petty jealousy stories. The reasons people dont like you I can see now are tue.
Now be gone with you. go play with someone else.

You need some serious help. You really are a joke. Its almost comical

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Diane C wrote:
Your an absolute joke. you and Sian. Keep your eyes out for bullyPaws. Christina and Elizabeth.
DOA and IRS are gonna crawl so far up them its gonna hurt. You have the balls? the balls? to treat me this way when Im the only one who truly cares about dogs.
GOT IT! You have some nerve.

Diane Campbell, CMT-QA
(203) 809-8828

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Has anyone rang that number? Spoke to Diane? I'm sure the authorities can use it to trace the home address for when they come looking for her.
Maybe they already HAVE! She is very quiet and that is totally out of character (any of her characters)
Waves politely to W&S and a G'day mate to Dorte!
Hugs and snuggley things
HRH Charlie x

Unknown said...

Well, I didn't realize I'd captured her number till I hit post. But if it helps authorities track her, so much the better. Maybe she'll speak to people and answer questions, but gotta be honest, I'd prefer we kept our fingers off the buttons and just give it to the relevant authorities and let them track her with it. It's available to the public as is all her info on BeenVerified, People 411 and countless others, including GOOGLE. Believe me,it's no secret, no body has any secrets on the web, lol. That's why it's useless fighting the info on there, lol. I think HRH Charlie's right, let the authorities use it, I know some agencies might find it useful.
Waves back to C & S and Dorte :))))

Unknown said...

LMAO! Hey Dorte, I knew ONE of you lived in OZ, guess I got both of you on vacation to different countries, lol.

Unknown said...

I have called that number and spoken to 'It' twice, so she does or did answer to that number....

Unknown said...

I know she did Sian. That's the number at the bottom of the emails she sent. Wish I'd kept her cell number now!! DAMN, I'd have plastered that over EVERYWHERE!!!! She not answering her damn phone because that number is public knowledge. I'm sure MANY people have called her judging by the amount of 'sisters' and close friends she ONCE had.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your days of terrorizing people over the years are over Diane. You pissed the wrong bitch off this time. I hope you get everything coming to you and more! Diane=Liar=fake=scammer, so sad you are.

Anonymous said...

The real Diane Campbell knows she's so ugly thats why she stole the Lela Starr pics. For months Diane was spouting off about ugly people being jealous of her only to learn she's the most hidious beast on this planet; Inside & Out!

Diane, you should know Lela Starr's agent was contacted. He confirmed you are a fake & a stalker. They are looking into your imposter crime against Lela.

Can't wait to see your mugshot!

Anonymous said...

Its Star not Starr and I must say the stalkers are all right here. Your all captivated and truly pathetic that anyone gives this chick all this attention. Her agent? wow- the pig has an agent? I didnt know a pig got an agent. Impressive. People get jobs, or lives. Get off this douche bag. Your all wasting good energy. and look like idiots doing it cause nobody is going to jail nobody has been reported so lets read about something interesting

Tuesday said...

Hi, Diane. You finally crawl out from under your rock?

Tuesday said...

Hey, Diane, check out part 3 where you get busted in more lies!


We've been waiting for you! ;)

Anonymous said...

Source Type: AOC State Code: CT
First Name: DIANE DOB: 3/6/1967
Gender: F Race: C
Street: : WEST HAVEN
State: CT Zip: 06516
CASE NUMBER: CR980033094S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-3 Case Number: CR980033094S
Offense Date: 6/3/1998 Offense Location: MILFORD
Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-9 Case Number: CR030048764S
Offense Desc: FAILURE TO APPEAR 1ST DEG Offense Date: 9/5/2003
Location: MILFORD
Final Ruling: NOLLE
CASE NUMBER: CR980033094S Record
ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-2 Case Number: CR980033094S
Offense Date: 6/3/1998 Location: MILFORD
Source ID: 0900010
Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-15 Case Number: CR040051915S
Offense Date: 4/13/2004 Offense Type: F
Final Ruling: FOUND GUILTY
CASE NUMBER: CR030048764S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-10 Case Number: CR030048764S
Offense Desc: LARCENY 3RD DEG Offense Date: 11/23/2002
Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: FOUND GUILTY
CASE NUMBER: CR040051915S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-11 Case Number: CR040051915S
Offense Desc: CONSPIRACY SALE OF CERTAIN ILLEGAL DRUGS Offense Date: 4/13/2004
Offense Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: NOLLE
(7 OF 16)
CASE NUMBER: CR040051915S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-13 Case Number: CR040051915S
Offense Desc: SALE OF CERTAIN ILLEGAL DRUGS Disposition Date: 8/26/2005
Offense Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: NOLLE
(8 OF 16)
CASE NUMBER: CR040051915S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-12 Case Number: CR040051915S
Offense Desc: CONSPIRACY CNT SUB WI 1500' SCH/HSG/DY CR Offense Date: 4/13/2004
Offense Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: NOLLE

Anonymous said...

(9 OF 16)
CASE NUMBER: CR040051915S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-14 Case Number: CR040051915S
Offense Desc: CNT SUB WI 1500' SCH/HSG/DY CR Offense Date: 4/13/2004
Offense Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: NOLLE
CASE NUMBER: Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-1 Case Number: CR980033094S
(11 OF 16)
CASE NUMBER: CR010504136T Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-16 Case Number: CR010504136T
Offense Code: 53a-183
Offense Date: 8/8/2001 Offense Location: NEW HAVEN
Final Ruling: FOUND GUILTY
CASE NUMBER: CR010303330S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-5 Case Number: CR010303330S
Offense Code: 53a-110b
Offense Date: 8/18/2001 Offense Type: M
Offense Class: A Disposition Date: 10/1/2002
Offense Location: PROSPECT Offense Count: 2
Final Ruling: FOUND GUILTY
Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-4 Case Number: CR010303330S
Offense Code: 53a-183
Final Ruling: FOUND GUILTY
(14 OF 16)
CASE NUMBER: CR010298339S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-7 Case Number: CR010298339S
Offense Date: 1/1/2001
Offense Location: PROSPECT
Final Ruling: FOUND GUILTY
(15 OF 16)
CASE NUMBER: CR990150062S -
Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-6 Case Number: CR990150062S
Offense Code: 53a-183
Offense Date: 5/17/1999
Offense Location: STRATFORD
Final Ruling: FOUND GUILTY

Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-8 Case Number: CR030048764S
Case Info: FIRST COURT DATE: 20030513 Offense Code: 53a-140
Offense Desc: FORGERY 3RD DEG
Offense Date: 11/23/2002
Offense Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: NOLLE

Anonymous said...

Source Type: AOC State Code: CT
First Name: DIANE DOB: 3/6/1967
Gender: F Race: C
Street: : WEST HAVEN
State: CT Zip: 06516
CASE NUMBER: CR980033094S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-3 Case Number: CR980033094S
Offense Date: 6/3/1998 Offense Location: MILFORD
Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-9 Case Number: CR030048764S
Offense Desc: FAILURE TO APPEAR 1ST DEG Offense Date: 9/5/2003
Location: MILFORD
Final Ruling: NOLLE
CASE NUMBER: CR980033094S Record
ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-2 Case Number: CR980033094S
Offense Date: 6/3/1998 Location: MILFORD
Source ID: 0900010
Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-15 Case Number: CR040051915S
Offense Date: 4/13/2004 Offense Type: F
Final Ruling: FOUND GUILTY
CASE NUMBER: CR030048764S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-10 Case Number: CR030048764S
Offense Desc: LARCENY 3RD DEG Offense Date: 11/23/2002
Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: FOUND GUILTY
CASE NUMBER: CR040051915S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-11 Case Number: CR040051915S
Offense Desc: CONSPIRACY SALE OF CERTAIN ILLEGAL DRUGS Offense Date: 4/13/2004
Offense Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: NOLLE
(7 OF 16)
CASE NUMBER: CR040051915S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-13 Case Number: CR040051915S
Offense Desc: SALE OF CERTAIN ILLEGAL DRUGS Disposition Date: 8/26/2005
Offense Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: NOLLE
(8 OF 16)
CASE NUMBER: CR040051915S Record ID: CTAOC74910 State Code: CT
Case ID: CTAOC74910-12 Case Number: CR040051915S
Offense Desc: CONSPIRACY CNT SUB WI 1500' SCH/HSG/DY CR Offense Date: 4/13/2004
Offense Location: WEST HAVEN
Final Ruling: NOLLE

Tuesday said...

16 offenses!?!?! Geesh...yeah, and this one claims to be married to a cop! What a joke she is! How stupid can this woman be?

Anonymous said...

All of the above is public record, DIANE! Oh, and we are collecting the evidence against you... what you've done is a FEDERAL CRIME-- no probation for you SCAMbell!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG - What stinks? Is that Diane I smell? That chick needs to clean up her act already!" I suggest a flea dip.

Got more criminal records to post on the troll (Diane Campbell). Amazing anyone is so dishonest.

Hey Smelly (Diane), If "YOU'RE" going to steal someones identity you should do "YOUR" homework! Yes Lela Starr has an agent & yes he was contacted. So was the REAL Lela Starr!

Stop playing games you whacko! Get "YOUR" own life or are you that pathetic you have to hide behind a damn porn star?

Anonymous said...

Campbell = ScamBell, ScumBell, SmellBell, SleazeBell, DumbBell, FakeBell.......

Anonymous said...

BTW ScumBell, Lela has spelled her name STAR & STARR., So shove that up "YOUR" wide-load smelly butt!"

How many personalities do you actually have? "YOU'RE" extremely creepy! *(shudder)*

Tuesday said...

"People get jobs, or lives."

Diane, you're the only one who doesn't have a job! Looks like you stepped in it this time.

Oh, come out Diane...wherever you are. Have the balls to post under your real name. LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

I am starting to wonder if she can even remember her own name any more

Anonymous said...

oh my god... you are a fucking drama queen...

Anonymous said...

Wow...this is sure an interesting lady,to say the least. Seems like she has a problem with the truth.

Anonymous said...

Umm her new name now is amber Lee go check on Facebook if I'm correct

Anonymous said...

Here is the latest message to me from Diane Campbell. She has quite a way with words, LOL. I wanted to get this down as part of the "history":

Diane Campbell
LOL you are a pathetic ugly fat dried out old hag. Clown. Thats not even me ya fucking douche bag and you can wipe your ass with it. Half of the 500 friends I have if not more are friends from child hood, schol, neighbors, cousins, nieces, inlaws, co workers and if you think anyone would think the chick in those photos are me your insane. Drop a ton fatty. Perhaps then you could find a man, life and not be such a bitter slag. BUSTED? LOL get help lunatic. Wrong women. And the bitch in that post is hideous and Im one of the most beautiful gorgeous breath taking women on earth. FACT. Im also not a porn star. LOL. Eat my shit ya dried out old BAG! You cunt. Hunting cunt. I hope you rot in hell. AND YOU WILL PIG. Now I must go. I have a house on the ocean Im putting together. For my husband and for myself. And it has an ocean to look at. NOT A SWAMP. hahahahahaha. CLOWN.

Anonymous said...


1. In 2011 someone posted: "You couldn't wait to move house because Atticus would have a big fenced yard to play in - any pics? Atticus on the beach (which is 200 yards from your door as you stated), any pics?"

Comment: She told ME in 2013 that they were closing on a house on the beach with the ocean 700 feet away & sent pictures, LOL. Now I know what a lie that is. What a pathetic excuse for a human being!

2. Her writings have the words "clown" "cunt" "ugly" "fucking" and "douche bag" as its hallmarks. But let's not forget the BIG one: "Pig." You can pick out her writing just by looking for these words! She's SO transparent. What a sicko.

Tuesday said...

I'm still amazed she continues to pull her repeated games on Facebook. I'm glad I left these posts up. It seems once every month or so I have someone contacting me about her and her trying to scam them or how she has already scammed them.

You are so right. She has the mouth of a sewer. I'm no saint myself but she takes it to a whole different level.

Best advice I can give to anyone: Block her. Stay away from her. She needs help and not the kind anyone of us can give her.

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