Somewhere in these books and e-books I've been reading, someone said, "The best thing you can do for the poor, is get rich."
How unbelievably insightful. What better way to help someone then to help yourself, to set an example, and to give hope for others. The very gift of giving someone proof that they are in full control over their lives IS the best thing you can do.
There are many other ways we can help people and, we should but, ultimately, we can't help unless we are successful enough to help others. Helping is more than just giving money to people. We have to try and teach as well and, teaching through example is so rewarding for both parties.
Being a giver is such a powerful act and, being a receiver of knowledge, and acting upon that knowledge given is an amazing feeling. The feeling of accomplishment is what life is all about!
Liberalism/socialism to its extreme, takes that away from people. It completely strips everyone down to this facade of equality and, robs people of so many of the gifts life has to offer.
How can one truly experience the feelings of giving when the money they give goes through the hands of dirty politicians first? Then, many of us never see any true results of our taxes.
I'm not terribly extreme. I don't think we need to cut off all of government when it comes to some social programs but, I don't think all social help should come from the government either. That spending should be limited, not increased. Allowing folks to give freely and to areas they want to give to, allows for the more successful to have that magical feeling one has when they give to help others. To be that person in someone's life that reaches out and helps lift another person up is truly a magical feeling. That is something that is taken away by socialists and instead given to the politicians, who are supposed to work for us, not the other way around.
By receiving from people directly, either through monetary or, mentor ways, a person also receives an even more amazing gift that life has, the gift of knowing there are wonderful people in this world, and the desire to become someone that can give to others.
The most important thing that people can experience in life is achieving success. When someone overcomes obstacles by themselves, they build esteem. Seeing others who have worked their way up from the bottom is motivation for people, it gives people faith and hope. The sense of esteem and self-worth one can feel when they have have finally achieved is priceless.
So, why would anyone want to take these gifts away from others? All parties lose in this situation. When the government is given the power to dictate almost everything, every action, in our lives, it also takes away all the great emotions one experiences.
Brilliantly written and I wholeheartedly agree. It makes me happy to see other intelligent conservatives out there!
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