After watching the debate, I felt satisfied. Objectively these are two very different candidates who don't just have different ideas but very different demeanors and styles. Trump is fast in his word pace, trying to get out as much as he can, while Clinton was more controlled and steady. In short, both had a good night of debating - they had strong moments and weak ones as well.
Then, I go to my Facebook and wow oh wow... the reactions were all over the map. Some people were declaring a winner and of course this all fell on party lines. My lefty friends thought Hillary was amazing and Donald was rude and awful. My righty friends were all in for Donald, offering many praises and saying that Hillary failed miserably. I also have friends who are just bitter about the whole thing, offering up their negative-Nancy analysis declaring that both should eat crow.
Let me just say, yes, I'm voting for Trump. I like him. I like his style but, he's not everyone's cup of tea. I get that. I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I'm not interested in living in an echo-chamber either. This is why I have friends who hail from all over the political spectrum. However, I couldn't deny that Hillary put up a good performance.
Too many people seem to believe this was a sporting event but in reality, debates are about observing politicians and how they handle themselves. Are they quick on their feet? Can they command a room in a comfortable way? Or are they awkward? How do they handle uncomfortable situations? Let's face it, presidents will eventually find themselves in uncomfortable situations and they need to be able to control themselves and still respond in an intelligent way.
One major difficulty both candidates must deal with is HOW they talk about the issues. Audiences often consist of about 20% of the people who have a superior knowledge of politics. They know their history and they know about issues. The other 80% consist of people on a spectrum who know little to very little about politics and in some cases - nothing. It's important for the candidates to state their positions clearly and with precision, demonstrating great knowledge, but not so sophisticated that you talk over the heads of the majority of your audience. It is a very difficult line to walk.
1) I didn't even really notice Trump sniffling but apparently the left did and now they are actually trying to say Trump was sniffing coke. This is so ignorant and if the roles were reversed, the top news story would read, "Racist and Evil Republicans Lose Debate and Makeup Stories About Clinton Using Coke." The accusation is baseless and absurd. I guess the left is just getting desperate to tear Trump down.
2) As far as him not releasing his tax statements, if his attorney advised him not to release the information until after his audit, then of course that's the route he should take. Releasing anything would just cause a delay in his audit and the public would be subjected to superfolous and half-assed biased speculation from liberal pundits. All of this would be a waste of time for Trump and the voters. If the situation were in reverse, the democrats would be calling foul immediately.
3) Trump needs to bring up Beghazi.
4) Hillary's, "I made a mistake," comment in response to her deleting 30,000 e-mails is not good enough. Setting up a private server and using that to send classified information is hardly what anyone with a few firing neurons would call, "a mistake." What she did was deliberate and wiping her server clean only further demonstrates that she had something to hide. It's becoming rather irriating that she thinks Americans are so stupid and she acts as if she's above reproach - the same demenor our current president displays.
5) Someone please tell me how Hillary is "for women" when she herself is a substandard example of a strong woman. She chose to stay with an abusive husband, a man who cheated on her and actually raped at least one woman we know about. She not only protected this sexual predator of women but, she also went after his victims. She slandered them and did everything in her power to shut them up. What kind of an example is this for woman in America?
Strong women who are not afraid of being alone, and not afraid to stand up for themselves are the only kind who have ever provided me with inspiration and help. These are the type of women we need to be an example for our future generations. To me, Hillary represents a weak woman who made the choice to stick with a man who treated her like garbage and she chose to keep this man to be an example for her own daughter. Hillary is more interested in herself then she is with empowering other women.
The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #3 - Tale of the Spergy Sycophant
In this episode, I discuss some of the forensic evidence from Making a Murderer and debunk some delusions from a certain red-headed sycophant.
Brendan Dassey,
Making a Murderer,
Steven Avery,
Teresa Halbach
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The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #2
For this episode, I will continue to discuss Making a Murderer and will touch upon the topics of confirmation bias and logical fallacies.
I must warn you that I had some difficulty with the audio. In short, I played around too much. When I tried to save some of my work, it didn't save. I'm sure I will be running into new problems as I go along (that's just to be expected when you're learning a new tool), but this time around I did discover some new tricks so hopefully the next one will go a lot smoother. Fingers crossed!
Please use the image below for reference during the first part of the show.

Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C

I must warn you that I had some difficulty with the audio. In short, I played around too much. When I tried to save some of my work, it didn't save. I'm sure I will be running into new problems as I go along (that's just to be expected when you're learning a new tool), but this time around I did discover some new tricks so hopefully the next one will go a lot smoother. Fingers crossed!
Please use the image below for reference during the first part of the show.

Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C

Brendan Dassey,
confirmation bias,
logical fallacies,
Making a Murderer,
Steven Avery
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The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #1
This episode I discuss some basic information about the fauxumentary, Making a Murder.
Brendan Dassey,
Steven Avery,
Teresa Halbach,
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I Watched The Ann Coulter [Rob Lowe] Roast
I was a tad anxious and even apprehensive about watching Ann Coulter perform at this Roast of Rob Lowe. I wanted to watch the moment I discovered she would be on the panel of roasters because I was curious what she would say but, I was scared about what the others were going to say. I adore Ann but let's face it, she's not everyone's cup of tea; she certainly is not appreciated by the elites of Hollywood. Still, there was a glimmer of hope that her invite might also be a sign that perhaps some in Hollywood are at least willing to kid around with a conservative - a huge step in the right direction for them, and not just any conservative - this is Ann Coulter we are talking about.
Ann Coulter,
comedy central,
Rob Lowe
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