In order to make a commercial or a public service announcement, a lot of time and talent needs to be invested. I know. I've worked on a few commercials myself. First a commercial needs to be developed and funded and talent hired. A location needs to be determined, a cameraman, props, and a whole host of other individuals are also involved - lighting, craft service, director, editor, etc. It's a mini-movie really and it can take a long time to wrap up a simple two-minute commercial. Not all commercials or public service announcements are the same however, but any that require actors and the delivery of lines is going to take some time and many people being involved.
Keeping all this mind, watch this:
This is why I must question, how it is that nobody said anything during the process of making this ad/message? Really? Nobody thought, this might be a bad idea? Nobody thought their voice could be heard without abusing children in the process? Sorry but I do see this as abuse. This can all be filed under, "WRONG."
I have a few other issues with this video. One the whole myth about women's pay has been roundly debunked for years but, somehow hard-core feminists keep missing the memo.
Personally, I'm all for equality and we can and should work together in order to achieve that. For instance, I would like to know why it is when women kill, we are supposed to always show great sympathy and empathy for them but when men kill, we should demand swift punishment?
As many of you know, I have covered the Jodi Arias case at great length. I am appalled that this woman did not receive the death penalty for her crime. Had Jodi been a man, there would have been no hung jury and we would not be sitting here waiting for a new jury to give their sentence for this woman.
Many people remember the Andrea Yates case. This is a woman who purposefully waited for her husband to leave the home, and then she proceeded to methodically murder each one of her five babies. She even chased them around the house and held each one down under water until they were lifeless. Then she called the police to inform them of her murderess deeds. Yet, many people across this entire country feel some sympathy for Andrea. In fact they demand that we accept she has mental issues and some even go so far as to blame the husband fully for what happened, suggesting that he is the one who killed the children indirectly.
Could you imagine if this had been a husband killing his five children in this manner? Do you think for a moment people would feel a shred of sympathy for that man? Or do you think anyone would blame the wife for what happened? Women are perceived as being weaker by the very people who demand equality.
Where are these women groups when it comes to trials like the ones mentioned? Why are they not demanding equal treatment, equal punishment?
Where are the feminists when it comes to the treatment of Muslim women? Why all the silence there?
It seems as though feminism picks and chooses what it likes and rejects what it doesn't like when it comes to equal treatment. Men and women are indeed different. Equality is a good thing and it's positive but, if we want equality than we must demand that under all circumstances, not just the ones we like.
I also take issue with the comment that speaks about women being safe to walk to their car at night. Since when are men more safe in this situation? I do believe it's wise that all adults of any age stay alert and be prepared for danger when doing anything like walking to their car at night. Sure, women need to be on alert more because our reflexes and strength are simply not equal to that of a man's.
The statistics for rape seem to be a bit exaggerated. Some of the studies that show 1 in 5 are including women who had consensual sex but were under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time. It also included women who had agreed to sex but were not "enthusiastic" about doing so. While I certainly do not want to go around blaming women for being raped, these types of cases where the woman is drunk or under the influence could be easily avoided by exercising some self control. Sure, men need to have self-control as well and I would never say otherwise but, responsibility in these cases is more of a two-way street. Women cannot be seen as equal if they are simultaneously demanding that they take no responsibility for their actions.
Little girls mocking other little girls who wear princess dresses is akin to bullying, is it not? Having these little girls swear repeatedly is also a form of bullying and the message itself is filled with irresponsible fallacies that make homeopathy seem legitimate.
Once again, we see a typical leftist crowd (feminists), using children as a tool to deliver their message. Why? Why would anyone believe using young girls for this purpose would be positive in any way?
As a woman, I should be encouraging my daughter HOW to think for herself and not what to think. It is important that my daughter understand that she is allowed to have opinions that differ from my own. She is allowed to like and dislike things because she is an individual. She will always be my baby and she will always be loved by me but, I am not going to force my opinions on her. I will however tell her how I arrived at forming my opinions. I will ask that she examine why and how she forms her opinions. I want her to THINK, not parrot my beliefs.
Fat Loss - Apply Ice
An article I ran across claims that ice packs might be helpful for weight loss.
The article goes on to suggest that we should lower the temperatures inside our homes in order to encourage fat loss. I find this claim to be rather interesting. We do stay indoors more and more in these modern times and we certainly tend to heat our homes more, especially when we compare our lives to previous generations. Could our obesity problem be rooted in the temperature we keep our homes? It certainly seems too easy/simple to be true but this study is certainly interesting.
Simply strapping an ice-pack to a fatty area like the thighs or stomach for just 30 minutes can burn away hard-to-shift calories.
The cold compress works by triggering the body into turning flabby white fat into calorie burning ‘beige’ fat.
The article goes on to suggest that we should lower the temperatures inside our homes in order to encourage fat loss. I find this claim to be rather interesting. We do stay indoors more and more in these modern times and we certainly tend to heat our homes more, especially when we compare our lives to previous generations. Could our obesity problem be rooted in the temperature we keep our homes? It certainly seems too easy/simple to be true but this study is certainly interesting.
ice packs,
weight loss
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